Media Attention

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After a couple of classes, Teams RWBY, JNPR, GRMA, and CFDT all walked down the hall heading to the cafeteria to have their lunches.

"How was your class with Professor Mulberry, Jacob?" Nora asked.

"Pretty good. I've already started to make blueprints for a new weapon that I plan to make," Jacob replied.

"New weapon? Can I see the blueprints? Can I?! Please?!" Ruby asked excitingly.

"No, I'd rather save it for a surprise, Ruby," Jacob said as Ruby pouted.

"Hey guys, you need to check this out," Jaune said, looking down on his scroll.

Everyone surrounds Jaune and looks down at his scroll. On his scroll was the a live news broadcast on the Vale News Network. In the video, news anchorwoman and reporter Lisa Lavender stood in front of the camera with a microphone in her hand in the Beacon courtyard along with several other reporters and cameramen.

"This is Lisa Lavender reporting live outside Beacon Academy," Lisa explained. "Me and several other reporters are here because we were told that Teams RWBY, JNPR, GRMA, and CFDT are all inside the academy and we're hoping that we could get the time to talk to them about the attack on Vale that was orchestrated by Cinder Fall and the White Fang."

Suddenly Ruby's scroll starts to ring. Ruby pulls her scroll out and looks to see that the call is from Professor Ozpin, then answers it.

"Hello?..." Ruby answered. "Yeah, we're watching the news right now... Okay, I'll tell them."

Ruby hangs up her scroll and looks towards her friends.

"Ruby, who was that?" Blake asked.

"That was Professor Ozpin. He told me that we need to head back to our dorm rooms until the media leaves," Ruby explained. "He said he'll try and buy us time so we can get to our rooms."

"Then I guess we better hurry and get to our dorms," Allen said.

The four teams then start walking down the hall to their dorm rooms while now looking out for reporters.


Beacon Tower Courtyard

Meanwhile outside Beacon Tower, in the courtyard, Lisa and the other reporters are all walking up to the entrance. They all notice Professor Ozpin and Glynda walking out of the door and are both walking towards them.

"Professor Ozpin, do you have the time to let us interview a few of your students?" Lisa asked, pointing her microphone at the two teachers.

"Are they making plans to join the Atlas military or the new military?" a reporter asked.

"Are they against faunus equality?" another reporter asked.

"Right now our students are really busy with their classwork and are unable to give an interview," Ozpin said.

"According to some of you students and some transfer students, they claimed that during Team CFDT and Team GRMA's initiation, the White Fang had came into the Emerald Forest to kill them, only for those teams to violently slaughter them. Do you have anything to say about this?" Lisa asked.

"Teams GRMA and CFDT all acted in self defense since the White Fang intended to kill the teams," Glynda answered.

As the reporters closed in on the two teachers, Lisa gets pushed aside by the other reporters. She tries to push her way through the group of reporters and camera men, but none of them wouldn't move. Lisa sighed in frustration as she couldn't get close enough to Ozpin and Glynda. She turns away and suddenly notices Teams RWBY, JNPR, GRMA, and CFDT all speed walking in one of the dorm buildings. Lisa taps on her cameraman's shoulder and motions him to follow. They then run towards the building that the four teams walked in.


Inside the dorm building, Teams RWBY, JNPR, GRMA, and CFDT are all making their way to their dorm rooms.

"How long do you think that we will be here?" Kelly asked.

"Until Professor Ozpin can drive away the media," Weiss replied.

"I hope it doesn't take too long," Kendra said.

"Yeah, I'm starving," Nora added.

"I'm sure Ozpin knows what he is doing," Britney said.

"Excuse me, but do you have a minute?" a voice spoke.

Everyone turned around and saw Lisa and her cameraman walking towards them.

"Dang it," the teams thought.

"Lisa Lavender of VNN, I was hoping you have the time to answer a few questions," she said.

"I guess we can answer a few questions," Ruby answered sheepishly.

"Can you tell us your thoughts on this new unknown military?" Lisa asked.

"We believe that their purpose is to protect the innocent from any threat that wants to do harm, much like the huntsmen," Britney answered.

"And you're not worried that they might threaten to do harm themselves?" Lisa asked.

"They have shown to work well with the Atlas military, despite not being a part of the Atlas military," Weiss said.

"And they put themselves at great risk to save the people in the city and the festival," Allen added.

"This question is for you eight," Lisa said pointing her microphone at Teams CFDT and GRMA. "During your initiation, the White Fang appeared into the Emerald Forest and planned to kill you all, only for you all to horiffically murder almost all of them. Why is that?"

"We all acted in self defense since they intended to kill us and while we have overextended on the killings, the White Fang has shown to be a once peaceful protest group to an extremist terrorist organization that no longer cares for equality, but for supremacy under the guidance of Adam Taurus," Jacob explained.

"Since you say that, what are your thoughts on the Faunus community?" Lisa asked.

"We see them as a people like us and nothing more and nothing less," Ricky answered.

"And the racial injustice inflicted on them is something we all look down upon," Rebecca added.

"Anyway, we gotta get going. We gotta get ready for the rest of our classes," Weiss said.

"But, I still got more questions for-" Lisa was cut off as Professor Oobleck suddenly dashed and stopped right in front of her.

"I'm sorry but these students need to get stuff ready for their next class," Oobleck said. "In the meantime, I will gladly answer as many questions you might have for the staff here."

As Lisa started to interview Professor Oobleck, Teams GRMA, JNPR, CFDT, and RWBY all began to speed walk down the hall to their dorm rooms.

"Okay, let's hope we don't run into any more reporters so we don't end up saying some revealing," Britney said.

"Hey look! It's them!" a voice called out.

Everyone turned to see a group of reporters and cameramen across the hall from them.

"Run!" Nora whispered to the others.

The four teams started running around the corner of the hall as the small crowd of reporters and cameramen started to pursue them. The reporters and cameramen ran around the corner and ran down the hall, passing dorm rooms. A moment after they leave the hall, four of the doors open as Teams RWBY, JNPR, GRMA, and CFDT poked their heads out.

"Has this been like this for you guys while we were gone?" Kendra asked.

"Yes," Both the Remnan teams answered.

"Well all we can do now is wait until Professor Ozpin gives us the okay," Ricky said.

Everyone went back into their rooms and closed the doors behind them.

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