Volume 8 Night

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It was night time and Teams GRMA, RWBY, CFDT, and JNPR were walking down the hall heading to the lobby.

"Volume 8. I'm hesitant to find out how it turns out," Robert said.

"You're not the only one," Yang said.

"I was told that a few others would be joining us," Jacob said.

"Well I know this is gonna be fun," Allen sarcastically said.

"Let's just get this over with. I'm sure it won't be that bad," Ruby said.

"I'm going to remember you saying that and use it against you when you are proven wrong, Ruby," Britney said.

The four teams walk out from the hallway and into the lobby. In the middle of the lobby was a large set of chairs all set up. Sitting in some of them was Professor Ozpin, General Ironwood, Winter, Qrow, the Ace Operatives, Robyn, Oscar, Penny, Neo, and Keaton who has the scripts in his hands.

"Glad you guys could make it," Robyn said.

"Right. Hopefully we can get more information reading into those scripts," Ironwood said.

"I still say you should grow that beard, General. It suits you," Keaton said.

"Please have a seat, students," Ozpin said.

All the members of Teams RWBY, JNPR, GRMA, and CFDT each sat down at an empty chair. There was a moment of silence until Keaton spoke.

"Before we go over this, I would like to advise everyone that Kerry did warn us that this Volume will be a dark one. If any of you feel like stopping for a moment feel free to speak up," he instructed. "Any questions?"

Everyone was silent and didn't speak a word. Keaton opened up the first page and silently read it for a brief moment and then started to read the scripts for Volume 8.


A couple hours later, Keaton had just finished going over the Volume 8 's reactions were mixed. Ironwood was stunned by his counterpart's actions from killing a fellow Counselman to threating to commit mass genocide on Mantle by bombing it unless Penny returned to his side. Maria wondered what happened to her and Pietro in the second half of Volume 8. Oscar gulped at his counterpart be held captive and torchered, while Ozpin puts a comforting hand on his shoulder and at the same time smiled that Oscar convinced Emerald and Hazel to defect from Salem's faction, but saddened that Hazel sacrificed himself so that Oscar, Emerald, Yang, Ren, and Jaune could escape.

Neo was furious that Cinder betrayed her counterpart for her own selfish desires, but was glad she found out the truth beforehand so this wouldn't happen to her. Robyn was horrified to hear Mantle and Atlas destroyed in the collision then flooded with sea water. Ren was surprised that his emotional struggles in Volumes 7 and 8 was the result of his semblance evolving, while Nora was conflicted on who she was without Ren being with her and upset that her counterpart gained permanent scars from her semblance absorbing too much electricity. Jaune cried at the fact that his counterpart was forced to kill Penny so she could pass the Winter Maiden powers to Winter so it won't go to Cinder, while Pyrrha tried to comfort him.

Weiss was saddened by the events that had happened in Volume 8, but smiled that she, Willow, and Whitley's relationships grew happy and stable without Jacques in the picture. Winter was saddened that Penny had died and passed the Winter Maiden powers to her and she felt no remorse or pity when General Ironwood killed Jacques in this Volume. Blake worried for Yang when she fell into the void, but felt relieved when she, her team, Jaune, and Neo were all still alive.

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