Vacuo Campaign

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City of Vacuo

Downtown Vacuo

Within the city of Vacuo, Team CFVY, Kendra, and Kelly are all wandering the city.

"It sure is easy to get lost in the city, isn't it?" Velvet said.

"Good thing I got us a map, just in case," Kendra said.

"So where are we now?" Fox asked.

"We're in downtown Vacuo and should be approaching the Weeping Wall anytime now," Kendra answered.

"Look. There it is," Yatsuhashi pointed.

They all looked up and saw the Weeping Wall. It is a large ten feet long, three feet thick, and forty foot high wall-like natural rock formation springing from a plaza on the outskirts of the city, which is built out of a porous stone.

"That's the Weeping Wall?" Coco asked. "I was expecting it to be, I don't know... a wall?"

"It's sort of wall-like," Kelly said.

"To me it's just a rock," Kendra said.

"I think it's truly breathtaking," Fox said.

"Very funny, Fox. Very funny," Kendra said.

"I can think of a few people who would want to study it," a voice said.

Everyone turned to see Cassandra and Lydia approaching them.

"Hey ladies. What are you doing here?" Yatsuhashi asked.

"Finding information on the Crown," Cassandra replied.

"We figured this would be a good place to start because this Weeping Wall here is the hotspot for pictures of those who were kidnapped by the Crown," Lydia said.

"Mind if we join you then?" Coco asked.

"Sure, we could use some extra help," Cassandra answered.

They all walked over to the cooler side of the stone formation, They saw the base was cluttered with an assortment of stuffed animals, bunches of desert flowers, shoes. Glasses filled with water and plates of dried meat. They then see a shrine. Loops of thin wire were wrapped around the wall, with pictures and posters pinned to them. Some of the pages were faded, nearly blank and in tatters, while others had been freshly printed or handwritten. Many of them had the same chilling word in block letters at the top: MISSING.

"Holy shit, that's a lot of missing people," Kendra said.

"Enough for an army," Cassandra added.

"I'm willing to bet most of them have powerful semblances," Velvet said.

"All this to restore Vacuo's old monarchy," Fox said.

"Monarchies always equal dictatorships. I'm surprised Vacuo is still standing for having little to no governmental system and barely any law and order to control it," Lydia said.

"Sounds like you have a low opinion on this kingdom, do you?" Kelly said.

"Vacuo is nothing but a kingdom full of lawless pigs," the French Commandant scoffed.

"There's got to be something you like about Vacuo," Kendra said.

"Only that its citizens can survive in the desert," Lydia said.

"Anyway, I think we should split up and ask about the people who disappeared," Yatsuhashi said.

"Right. Move out. But be on your guard," Lydia ordered.

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