Mall Out War

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"Affirmative! You all need to get out of there immediately!" Keaton said into his radio.

"That may be a problem, since we're all in a tight spot with Salem," Cassandra said through the radio.

"Then hang in there! I'm on my way to get you out!" Keaton said.

He put down his radio and turned around, walking towards an armored truck.

"Where are you going?" Oscar asked.

"To get some gear," Keaton answered.

Two Spider Droids crash through the mall's front entrance, followed by several other Grimm as they charge out towards the American soldiers. Steel, Coco, and five other soldiers shoot at a few on coming Grimm. Two Beowolves charge toward Steel, but Fox rushes in between them. He slashes at the two Beowolf and shoots and kills the second. Yatsuhashi walks up to a large group of Grimm as they surround him. He unsheathes Fulcrum and jumps into the air and slams it into the ground and unleashing a shockwave, sending them all flying.

As several Neo-Nazies rush at Velvet, she creates a hard-light copy of Flynt's trumpet out from Anesidora and blows into it, unleashing a sound wave that blows the white supremacists. She notices an Ursa rushing at her, and replicates an AR-15. She then shoots at the Grimm's head, killing it. Two Bell AH-1 Cobra helicopters followed by three Blackhawk helicopters were flying by the battle zone, shooting and taking out several Grimm, Merlot Androids, Neo-Nazis, and White Fang soldiers.

The Spider Droids began to shoot at the helicopters, managing to hit one of the two Cobra helicopters and one of the three Blackhawk helicopters. Five Lancers flew out of a hole of the rooftop of the mall and flew towards the helicopters. One of the Lancers shot out their extendable stingers at a Blackhawk helicopter's tail, knocking it out of the air. Steel and Coco watch as the helicopters get picked off.

"Evacuating Amber by air isn't gonna happen from the looks of it!" Steel said.



Back inside the JCPenney, the battle still continues as Amber struggles to break herself free from her ropes. Adam viciously slashes at Blake as she desperately struggles to parry and block his attacks. The two clashed their blades and tried to push each other back.

"Why did you have to come into my life and ruin everything?!" Adam yelled.

"I don't want anything to do with your life!" Blake yelled back.

Blake kicks Adam away and jumps back. Adam was about to charge at Blake until suddenly, Ilia jumped up in front of Adam and swung Lightning Lash at him. Adam jumps back away from the attack and rushes at the chameleon Faunus. He swung his sword several times at Ilia as she backflips away from his attacks.

"I can't believe you would take her side!" Adam said.

"Because you're insane!" Ilia retorted.

Before Adam could rush at Ilia again, Yang rushes at him and punches his stomach, sending him flying towards Rebecca, who swung her Hailstorm at Adam, knocking him into a wall. She switches her scythe into her machine gun and begins shooting at the bull Faunus who quickly recovers and blocks her shots with Wilt. Yang rushes at Adam again, but he quickly notices her and rolls to the side. Adam slashes at Yang in which she was quick to react to blocking his attacks. Rebecca, Ilia, and Blake all rush in at Adam. He quickly sees the three girls coming and jumps away.

"Is this what you're reduced to Blake? Letting your friends fight for you?" Adam asked.

"At least she has some," Rebecca snapped back.

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