The U.S. Airship

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Shade Academy

May 30, 2020

It was morning the next day and Teams RWBY, JNPR, GRMA, and CFDT were walking into an air bus as Professors Theodore and Rumpole waved them goodbye. The door closes after the teams enter inside the air bus. It then starts to take off and flies away. Inside, they all took their seats along with Neo, Ilia, and Teams ABRN, BRNZ, FNKI, SSSN, CFVY, NDGO, and CRDL.

"Glad to be back together again," Kendra said, resting her head on Robert's shoulder.

"You know it!" Yang said.

"We all had some crazy stuff happen to us, but what happened to you guys is probably the craziest," Jacob said to Kelly.

"Not as crazy as Ricky bodying Jacques-strap Schnee to the floor," Kelly said.

"That sounds like something we wish we were there to see," Rebecca said.

"Ilia, would too," Blake said with a nod.

"So what's gonna happen now?" Weiss asked.

"And how did you guys get an airship?" Kelly asked.

Before anyone could answer, a man over the P.A. spoke out.

"Attention, this is your captain speaking. If you look to the windows on your right, you'll have a good view of the airship."

The Huntsmen and Huntresses in training got up from their seats and walked up to the windows on the right sight of the air bus. They looked through the windows and saw the airship with a few helicopters flying around it, along with a squadron of three Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning IIs flying by it.

 They looked through the windows and saw the airship with a few helicopters flying around it, along with a squadron of three Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning IIs flying by it

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Weiss, Ricky, Kelly, Kendra, and Teams NDGO and BRNZ looked in awe at the large airship.

"To those not introduced, say hello to the U.S.A.S. Monty Oum," the man over the P.A. said.

A few minutes later, the air bus flies up to a docking bay which was extending off the side of the Monty Oum and packs upon it. The door on the transport opened and the passengers inside boarded off and walked across the walkway. They all walked through a door at the end of the walkway and entered inside where Captain Keaton Gordon waited.

As the air bus took off, the docking bay retracted back into the airship everyone was in. A soldier closes the door and seals it shut. Keaton spoke up, getting the students' attention.

"May I have your attention please?" the captain asked. "I'd like to welcome you all aboard the Monty Oum, the first United States air battleship, and the very first flying aircraft carrier for both Remnant and Earth. Now that you are all gathered, I'd like you all to follow me and stick together. We'll give you a tour of the airship."

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