Mistral Campaign

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Haven Academy, Mistral


It was morning in Mistral, and Team JNPR, Ruby, Jacob, Alex, Hayashi, and Qrow walked up the hallway to the headmaster's office. As they continue their way through the hall, they pass by some staff members and students. Qrow looked up at Hayashi who smiled back indicating that the SDF had been protecting the Huntsmen and students from Hazel and Tyrian.

"We made it," Ruby said.

"We gave Professor Lionheart a heads up that we were coming and he didn't meet us at the entrance like he said," Jacob said.

"Probably talking to one of 'you-know-who's' followers in his office," Nora said.

They all reached to a pair of wooden double doors.

"Let's get this over with," Qrow said.

Qrow opens the doors and just behind them, a man stood in place just as he was about to open the doors himself as he then jumped back in fright and briefly fainted.

He is a middle-aged man with a mane of tan/gray hair and a beard. He had a tanned complexion with brown eyebrows and dark brown eyes. He wore a brown greatcoat with a matching mantle, which had cross emblems on each side. He also wore a white dress shirt under his coat, a western necktie and carried a pocket watch. he also wore dark brown slacks and dress shoes. He is also a Faunus and possesses a tufted lion's tail which is the same color as his hair and beard which is hidden under his coat. This is the cowardly headmaster of Haven Academy, Professor Leonardo Lionheart.

 This is the cowardly headmaster of Haven Academy, Professor Leonardo Lionheart

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"Uh, Professor Lionheart?" Ruby asked.

"Is he dead?" Alex asked.

Lionheart wakes up, gasping sits up putting his hand over his heart.

"Qrow! For crying out loud, you nearly scared me half to death!" he shouted.

"Me? Why weren't you waiting for us at the entrance like you said you would?" Qrow asked.

Lionheart pulled out his pocket watch from his coat and checked it.

"Oh, right. Apologies. I guess time slipped away from me," Lionheart said he puts his pocket watch back in his coat.

Qrow sighed as he shook his head as the Haven headmaster stood up.

"Well that happened," Jacob said.

"Ah, you must be the student Qrow mentioned," Lionheart said.

"Yes, sir. Ruby Rose," Ruby introduced herself.

"Jaune Arc," Jaune said.

"Pyrrha Nikos," Pyrrha said.

"Nora Valkyrie," Nora said, posing with her arms held stiffly out to the sides.

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