Lighting the Fire

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Mistral Home, Mistral

May 23, 2020

Two days have passed and Alex, Qrow, Hayashi, and Junichi were all in the living room putting together the audio recordings of Professor Lionheart's involvement with Cinder and the attack on Beacon Academy, while Ruby is upstairs with Maria learning how to use her silver eyes and Team JNPR, Jacob, Britney, and Robert all hung out in the upper levels on Mistral.

"Do you think this will be enough to convince the counsel to have that cowardly lion arrested?" Junichi asked.

"With this much audio recording, this will be more than enough to have Leo convicted," Qrow answered.

"Then we better get this to the counsel," Hayashi said.

Qrow's Scroll begins to vibrate as he then pulls it out of his pocket and looks at it. He looks back up to the Terran soldiers.

"Miss Malachite has a visual on Cinder," he said.

"I'll alert the troops," Junichi said.

"And I'll gather the others," Alex said.

"The sooner we get moving the better," Hayashi said.


Kuo Kuana, Menagerie

Belladonna Residence

Meeting Room

Meanwhile in Menagerie, Blake, Yang, Sun, Allen, Rebecca, Ghira, and Kali were all in the meeting room wondering why they were called here. The meeting room comprises two stories of space. There is an upper walkway wrapped around the room with doors leading out and a few bookshelves spaced around. There are pillars spaced about as well, but unlike those in the rest of the house, they are dark green in color. Above the upper walkway is a level of support for various plants also wrapped around the walls. The ceiling is made of darker wood with crossing beams. Much of the floor space is open, and long desks with multiple chairs surround a small stage. To the left of the stage is a picture of the Belladonna house, and many other pictures are on the walls.

"Why do you think Steel called us here?" Yang asked.

"Whatever it is, I'm sure it's something important," Allen said.

Steel walks in the hall as a stranger in a brown cloak follows him inside.

"Steel, who's that behind you?" Rebecca asked.

The figure removes the cloak and reveals to be Sienna.

"Hello, Ghira," Sienna said.

"Sienna?" Ghira spoke with widened eyes.

"The SDF stationed in Mistral stormed into the White Fang's main facility and extracted Ms. Khan out before Adam could kill her," Steel explained. "We told her of his plans and secretly snuck her here without anyone noticing."

"After everything I've done for him, he's decided to overthrow me for my position as high leader," Sienna said.

"So did they bring you here?" Kali asked.

"We believe that Sienna is Ghira's responsibility due to being Chieftain and used to work together in the White Fang," Steel answered. "So whatever you decide weather to pardon her or not is up to you."

"What do you think, Ghira?" Kali asked.

Ghira looked down, pondering on what to do with the former White Fang leader. He looks back up to Steel.

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