Battle of Titans

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First Horizon Plaza

Back up front of the First Horizon Plaza, Ricky was on a stretcher and boarded on an ambulance with two paramedics inside with him. The doors close as Jacob, Qrow, Velvet, and Team RWBY watch as the ambulance drives away to transport Ricky to the hospital.

"I really hope Ricky will be okay," Weiss said.

"You aren't the only one, Weiss," Yang said.

"Guys, I know you're all worried about Ricky and all, but could you dipshits get your asses over here and help us?!" Kendra asked from afar.

Everyone turned to see Kendra pinned to the ground trying to push The Hound back with Mercy Bringer, while Kelly and Cade tried to pull the Grimm away from her. Before Qrow, Velvet, Jacob, and RWBY could rush in to help, The Hound suddenly stopped as his ears twitched. It jumped away from Kendra, Kelly, and Cade and stood out in the open. A moment later, Salem glided up the street incredibly fast and stopped next to her pet.

"Ruby, get behind me," Qrow said as everyone got into a stance.

Salem blasts a dark beam of magic at the veteran Huntsman, knocking Qrow into Ruby and sending them both flying. Yang charged at Salem and threw a couple punches at her face. Salem grabs Yang by her wrist and tosses her into a nearby car. Jacob rushes over at Salem, but The Hound jumps up in front of her. Jacob bashes The Hound's head with his shield as Blake, Yang, Weiss, and Velvet, ran over while shooting at it. Cade fires a rocket at Salem blasting her upper body open. Professor Ozpin, Oscar, Britney, Robert, Allen, Rebecca, Ilia, Will, and Team JNPR all ran up upon seeing the battle. Salem soon regenerates and notices Kelly and Kendra charging up at her. She shot a blast of wind at Kelly and Kendra, sending them both flying.

"Leave them alone!" Ozpin shouted.

The headmaster of Beacon shot a green blast of magic at Salem, while Will, Britney, Rebecca, Allen, Robert, Pyrrha, Ren, and Nora began shooting at her, making her stagger. Salem shot a large fireball at her new attackers, making them all jump away from the attack. Salem summons a bunch of ice crystals around her and hurls them towards her ex-husband. Ozpin deflects them all by moving at superhuman speed, and then darts forward and delivers a bunch of strikes at Salem with his cane, with the last blow launching her back. Salem and Ozpin both shot a blast of magic at each other, making the attacks clash.

"Children! I'll hold her off! You help the others!" Ozpin shouted.

Team JNPR, Oscar, Britney, Rebecca, Ilia, Allen, Robert, Cade, and Will were hesitant, but all ran after The Hound. Blake dodged away with her semblance as The Hound tried to swipe its claws at her. Weiss summoned two small glyphs beneath the Grimm's feet and froze its feet in place. Velvet created an Ember Celica copy and rushed at The Hound as Yang followed in. They each both threw a few punches at the Grimm. The Hound breaks its feet free from the ice and smacks the two girls away. Its ears twitched and noticed Team JNPR, Oscar, Britney, Will, Allen, and Robert running towards it. Jaune and Pyrrha approached up to The Hound and tried to swing their swords at it, but the Grimm grabbed their wrists mid-swing and threw them both aside. Ren, Nora, Britney, Robert, Allen, Cade, and Will began shooting at The Hound as it ran away from the shots.

Kelly gets up from the ground, while Kendra struggles to get up as her aura flickered. Kelly saw Ozpin and Salem as they continued to clash with their magic. She looked up and saw a flock of birds and gave a smirk.

"Hey, fellas!" Kelly called to the birds with her semblance.

The birds fell down in front of Kelly as she pointed at Salem.

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