Call to Action Pt. 1

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Blake Belladonna and the masked White Fang member leap from tree to tree, Blake in pursuit of the other Faunus. Yang used Ember Celica to propel herself in the air, following Blake. Rebecca used her scythe to swing from the trees catching up. They all pause for a moment, gripping different trees. A noise above the spy makes her gasp and Sun appears, dropping down.

"Gotcha!" Sun shouted.

She leaps on, out of his path. Blake, Yang, and Rebecca pursue the spy while Sun lands on a branch. The spy emerges from the trees and onto a roof. She continues to run across the buildings with Blake, Yang, and Rebecca catching up right behind her. Sliding under some arching pipes, she finally turns and stops. Using her weapon, Lightning Lash in whip form, she slices the pipe, releasing steam to block the three girls. It doesn't work; Blake moves right under the pipes through the steam and Yand and Rebecca jump over the pipe. Yang punches the mask right off of the spy, revealing the spy.

She is a young woman and a chameleon Faunus. Her skin has somewhat darker spots on her arms, legs, stomach and face. Her brown hair is tied back in a ponytail that curls at the end like a chameleon's tail, and her eyes are a light gray with a faintly bluish tint. She wears a black, gray and dark gray sleeveless stealth suit with short legs that resembles a playsuit with black trim around the legs. The color divide is at the center of her thighs. The stealth suit's zipper is gold, and over it, she wears gray belt straps with gold buckles. She wears simple black boots with a cuff and a black glove on her right hand. This is Blake's old friend, Ilia Amitola.

"Ilia," Blake said as Ilia glared at her former crush

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"Ilia," Blake said as Ilia glared at her former crush.

Blake, Yang, and Rebecca noticed a scroll in Ilia's hand.

"Look, let's just talk this out like reasonable adults and maybe we can work something out," Rebecca said.

"You're in no position to talk, human," Ilia said.

Sun lands on the roof behind her, causing her to turn around. Ilia whip comes at him in an attack, which he falls back to avoid. Rebecca takes advantage of the distraction to kick the scroll out of the spy's hand. Ilia is surprised, avoids Rebecca's next attack, responds with a kick of her own and attempts to retrieve the scroll. Sun tackles her instead forcing her to release her grip on her scroll and it lands a few feet away.

"Get off!" Ilia yelled.

She headbutts Sun and tries to race Blake to the scroll. Instead, Yang punches her and Rebecca swings her scythe at her. Ilia flips away from the two human girls.

"Quick Blake! Get the scroll!" Rebecca shouted and Ilia tried to swing her whip at her and Yang.

Blake races to the scroll and grabs it. Ilia turns and aims Lightning Lash at Blake.

"Blake, look out!" Yang shouted.

"Give it to me," Ilia said.

"No," Blake replied.

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