Breakin' Outta Hell Pt. 2

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Back up north of South Gay Street, the battle continues as a couple of armored trucks drove up and came to a stop. A dozen American soldiers jumped out of each of the armored trucks. The soldiers ran for cover and began to open fire at the White Fang, Neo-Nazis, and the Creatures of Grimm. One of the soldiers ran up to Keaton with a folder.

"I have what you requested for, sir," the soldier said.

"Good," Keaton replied as he grabbed the folder then walked away.

Argento threw a punch at Robert knocking him to the ground. Robert quickly gets up back onto his feet and points his spear at his opponent, but he quickly grabs it out of his hands. Argento swung the butt end of Sweet Kisser at Robert's feet, making him fall back to the ground. He points the spear at its owner with a chuckle.

"So long, loser!" Argento said.

Just as Argento lunges Sweet Kisser at its owner, Robert suddenly fades away as Argento strikes the ground. Argento looks around in shock and confusion and several feet away from him Robert suddenly appears on the pavement. He looked down at himself in shock for a moment then gained a look of realization.

"Was that my semblance?" Robert thought.

As Robert stood back up to his feet, Argento finally spotted him. Robert turned to see Argento throw Sweet Kisser at him. Robert leans away and catches his weapon back and gets into a stance. Argento charges at his opponent and just as he throws a punch at him, Robert disappears and reappears behind him. Before Argento could turn around, Robert swung his spear at him, knocking him to the ground. Argento stood back up and got into a stance.

"Time to take my new semblance for a test drive," Robert said as he got into a stance.

Argento charges over at Robert. Before he could land a punch on him, Robert vanishes and reappears behind him. Robert slashes at his opponent's back, making him cry out in pain. Argento swung his fist back at Robert, only for him to disappear again. Robert reappears next to Argento and swung the other end of his spear at his face, knocking him to the ground as his aura shimmered. Argento swung his leg at the back of Robert's legs, sending him to the ground.

Argento quickly gets up and tries to stomp on his head, but Robert disappears before Argento could land his attack. Robert reappears behind his opponent. Argento only had enough time to turn around as Robert slashed at his chest, breaking his aura. Robert then swung his spear at Argento's throat, slitting it. He then transformed Sweet Kisser into its sniper rifle mode and shot a round into Argento's head, knocking him to the ground and killing him.

Robert stared down at Argento's dead body for a moment before turning his head to see Hazel holding Ren up by his throat as the latter struggled to get himself free, while Nora was on the ground pinned down by Hazel's foot. Robert disappeared and then reappears behind Hazel. Robert jumps on Hazel's back and wrapped his arm around his neck. Hazel drops Ren and steps off of Nora as He tries to grab at Robert.

"Hey, big guy! The sun's getting real low!" Robert shouted at Hazel.

Hazel grabs on to Robert's leg.

"Oh, Christ," Robert whimpered.

Hazel threw Robert into a car just as Ren and Nora got back up to their feet. They both turned at Robert as he was trying to get up before turning back at Hazel. The two partners then charged at Hazel.

Coco shoots at Rosa as she runs away from the shots. Rosa activates her semblance and rushes at CVFY's team leader as her shot from her minigun fazes through her body. Rosa deactivates her semblance and punches her in the face. Coco swung her minigun at Rosa's legs, sweeping her up in the air. She transformed her minigun back into her handbag and swung it down at Rosa, slamming her down to the pavement, making her aura flicker. Rosa gets up from the ground and throws a couple more punches at Coco's stomach and another at her face. She then swings a kick at Coco's head, knocking her down and shimmering her aura.

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