Chp. 36: Supremacy

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Harrison, Arkansas, USA

House of Salem

Back on Earth, Emerald and Mercury were watching the news in the living room as Cinder ordered believing something of use would benefit Salem's plans.

"A shocking event occurred on the 25th of May in Minneapolis, Minnesota as a forty-six year old black man, George Floyd was pulled over for using a counterfeit twenty dollar bill at a store," a news anchor reported. "What happens next is quite shocking and disturbing."

The screen shows footage of a police officer pinning the man known as George Floyd to the ground with the officer's knee on the side of George's neck.

"I can't breathe! I can't breathe!" George cried.

"The guy wouldn't be talking if he can't breathe. Besides, the officer doesn't even have his knee on his throat," Mercury said. "Believe me, my old man has told me about stuff like this."

Emerald rolled her eyes and started to take notes of the news story on a notepad.

"The white officer had him pinned down for four minutes until he passed out, and when paramedics arrived at the scene, Floyd was pronounced dead," the anchor stated.

"Okay, how did this guy die? Please be descriptive," Mercury said.

The screen displayed the city at night as large angry crowds of people were trashing and looting buildings with several fires in the streets and buildings.

"As a result, riots and protests have broken out in various cities in the U.S. ever since the death of George Floyd believing that his death was an action of a white cop killing a black man," the anchor said.

"I'm surprised this world is still standing after going through stuff like this," Mercury said.

"That's because this world doesn't have Grimm, remember?" Emerald said.

"I know that. I'm just saying even without the Grimm, these people somehow find ways and excuses to cause a lot of chaos," Mercury said.

The two heard footsteps approaching them. They turned and saw Tyrian with a piece of paper in his hand.

"What is it, now?" Mercury asked.

"The good doctor wants you two and Hazel to go to town and get all of this stuff on the list," Tyrian said, handing the list to the young assassin. "He also said to make sure that you all wear something that won't attract any unwanted attention."

"Why can't he do it?" Emerald asked.

"He's turning that garage into his personal lab and he is waiting for parts and his equipment to get here from our world," Tyrian explained.

Emerald and Mercury look at the list as Tyrian walks away.

Meanwhile outside of the garage, Salem, Cinder, and Adam all waited outside the garage door. In the driveway, a bright light appears in the middle of it. A moment later the light dies away and Doctor Merlot stood in its place. He walks up to the three.

"What have you to report, Merlot?" Salem asked.

"The White Fang have managed to steal an SDC frater with the new Dust. Along with several weaponry the SDC uses for security. They'll be here within fifteen minutes," Merlot explained.

"Anything else?" Cinder asked.

"The White Fang discovered a heavily guarded facility where all of the new Dust is being stored. They said all of the warehouses all contained this Dust that the SDC had mined. And there are a total of thirty warehouses and more are being made," Merlot said.

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