Shocking Reveals

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City of Atlas

Atlas Command Center

Atlas Medical Facility

A few hours had passed and in the Atlas Medical Facility, and in a room, Keaton leaned his back against a wall as he watched Jacob, who was wearing a hospital gown and sleeping in a hospital bed. Keaton gave a heavy sigh, seeing his brother like this. He noticed Jacob shifting his head and quickly walked to his bed. Jacob opened his eyes with a groan and turned to Keaton.

"Are you okay, Jacob?" Keaton asked.

"Keaton? Where am I?" Jacob asked.

"You're in a medical facility in Atlas. Doctors say that you'll make a full recovery in a few hours," Keaton answered.

Jacob sighed and after a brief pause, Keaton's face grew angry.

"Jacob, what the hell were you thinking? You've almost gotten yourself killed today!" Keaton scolded.

"I know," Jacob muttered.

"You've wandered in not even thinking that it could have been a trap!" Keaton said.

"I know," Jacob said.

"How would our aunt and uncle react if they found out you were killed? How would your friends react? They'd be devastated!" Keaton said.

"I know!" Jacob shouted.

"So you knew but you didn't care?" Keaton asked.

"I wanted our dad out of our lives! He's the reason our mom is locked up in a mental clinic. He's the reason why our family is so broken! And you weren't there when it happened!" Jacob yelled with tears in his eyes.

Keaton paused for a moment as Jacob breathed heavily. He put a hand on his brother's shoulder in comfort.

"If I had known about this at that time, I would have done everything in my power to come back to help in any way I could. And I'm sorry. I'm just so worried about you. And even though I can't do anything for mom now, that doesn't mean I can't help you and Ashley back at home. And Ashley is gonna need you too," Keaton said.

"You're right. I half to be there for Ashley, and the others as well. They must have been so worried about me," Jacob said.

"I'll go get them for you if you want," Keaton said.

"Please do," Jacob said.

Keaton walked to the door and as he opened it, he found Britney standing out in the hall.

"Is Jacob gonna be okay?" she asked.

"He'll recover. Do you want to see him?" Keaton asked.

"Yes," Britney answered.

Keaton stepped aside and Britney walked into the room and closed the door behind her. Jacob and Britney were now alone.

"I heard the entire conversation between you and your brother," Britney said.

"I'm guessing you guys are just as worried?" Jacob asked.

"Yes! You scared the hell out of us! I've had Kendra monitor you with her semblance and the details she gave us made us worried for you!" Britney said.

"I know. I'm sorry. I just wasn't thinking," Jacob said.

"I know you have issues with your father, but the way you tried to handle it was reckless. I... We are here for you, Jacob," Britney said.

"I?" Jacob asked, catching the error.

Britney paused as Jacob waited for a response. A moment later, Jacob spoke.

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