New Plans

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Beacon Academy, Vale

Torchwick's Lecture Hall

May 15, 2020

For the next few days, Teams RWBY, JNPR, GRMA, and CFDT are all continuing their classes as Professor Ozpin and Captain Gordan discuss and plan their next moves. Right now, Teams RWBY, JNPR, GRMA, CFDT, and CFVY are all in class as Roman was teaching with Neo on his side.

"And that is how you prevent a victim from getting raped while the attacker is singing," Roman said.

The class all had disguised and weirded out expressions at what Roman was teaching them.

"Welp, that's twenty minutes of my life I'll never get back," Yang said.

"This sort of sounds similar to a scene in the movie, Clockwork Orange," Robert said.

"What's that?" Roman asked.

"It's an Earth movie and I think you may like it," Ricky said.

The door opens and walking in is Professor Ozpin, General Ironwood, Keaton, and Glynda.

"Good morning, students," Ozpin said, then sipping his mug.

"Good morning, Professor," the class replied.

"What's up?" Coco asked.

"We all came in here to discuss what approaches to take if we are to beat Salem," Ironwood said.

"But first, Qrow has brought someone here," Glynda said.

Qrow then walks in and following him inside is Oscar.

"Um... hi," Oscar said, giving a nervous wave.

"Hey, Oscar," Jacob said.

"Cute boy Oz!" Nora exclaimed, pointing at Oscar.

"Nice to meet you," Allen said.

"Hello, Oscar," Yatsuhashi said.

"It wasn't easy convincing him and his aunt that he needs to come here, but I managed to get him here," Qrow said.

"I'm still trying to process this whole thing. I mean I'm a soon to be reincarnation, there's a war going on that the whole world doesn't know about, and there are people from another world that saw the future of our world. This is so much to take in," Oscar said.

"Welcome to our world," Blake said.

"Anyway, this is what we discussed for the past few days," Keaton said. "Other than recruiting students from the other academies, we have four separate primary goals."

"Dealing with the Crown in Vacuo," Glynda said.

"Finding my sister and bringing her in," Qrow said.

"Dealing with the White Fang," Ozpin said.

"And having Professor Lionheart convicted," Ironwood said.

"Now, after some discussion, we talked and decided that these four objectives cannot be dealt with one at a time. So to deal with all these objectives, you all have to split up into groups to handle this," Keaton said. "And if you're wondering about Merlot, Be on the lookout for him as well."

"Now Ms. Belladonna, we know that your parents are in Menagerie and that your father was the original founder of the White Fang, right?" Ozpin asked.

"Yes," Blake answered.

"You're going to have to go to Menagerie and provide protection since it is definite that Adam will want you parents dead once he takes leadership of the entirety of the White Fang after killing Sienna Khan," Keaton explained.

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