Chapter 32

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We went inside and my mom had set up the present and the cake. "Let's do cake and then presents!" I said to my mom. I went to the table with the cake and stood there with Matt while everyone came in."On a count of 3,1,2,3 gooo!"Matt said.
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday dear maggie!
Happy birthday to you!
Everyone chimed in. I smiled the whole time and thought about my life and how thankful I am. I looked infront of me and Matt was also singing. I thought of my wish and blew the candles out. Everyone started clapping and then we started to eat cake. Matt and I sat together in the flower garden. "Matt promise me you'll never hurt me" o said. "I promise babe" Matt winked at me. I smiled. When we were done we did present and you can imagine what happened then😉 I opened a ton of gifts! Don't even get me started, they were all amazing! After that it was getting late so other people left while the girls,guys, and my family went to the beach and did sparklers and stuff. Matt and I got a picture of us with a sparkler in the background and us kissing and it was so romantic. "Maggie, happy birthday baby. I love you so much. I don't ever want to loose you. " Matt said hugging me. "Guys it's 11:39! We need to watch the ball drop!!" Kathy yelled. "Everyone pile in the cars and let's go!" We yelled. We were at the beach for a good 3 hours. We made it to my apartment at 11:55! We all ran to my room and Kathy turned the channel on and we all counted down "5 minutes!" Then finally everyone sat down and we counted down, "10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!" We all roared. Matt gently placed his hand on my face and kissed me and I kissed back. "Happy new year!!" Matt said in between kisses. I smiled and we broke away from the kiss. The adults had some drinks and us minors had soda,Juice, or water. We party'd for awhile and danced to music and it was so much fun. Im glad I have these people in my life. Bryant sent me some of the pictures and I snuggled into Matt and I posted a couple pictures and then Matt and I went to my room. Matt dozed off and I laid down next to him and I fell asleep shortly after.
Kathy's POV
So two weeks ago I broke up with my boyfriend because he was cheating on me. I cried a lot and didn't want to do anything and I was tired. I was just done. And then shawn came into my life. It was a secret for awhile and then he came over one day with Matt and he kissed me in front of everyone. I was happy, I really like shawn, I just hope he doesn't break my heart like Jeremy. Shawn and i started talking more and one day we were going to the beach he asked me out and I said of course and ever since we've been dating. Shawns the best thing that has happened to me in my life. When I was way younger we kept moving and finally we moved to New Jersey and that's where I met my girls. Now they're like my sisters. I get bullied on Instagram and Twitter because I'm dating shawn , they say I just want followers. But I could care less. I love him for him, he could be a total loser and I would still love him. He's truly perfect and he takes good care of me.

True loveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora