Chapter 39

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It was noon and we all started to eat lunch that I packed for the girls and I. The girls and I including sunny and gabe sat together and Cameron,nash, and Hayes. Because I packed stuff for just us. We sat in a big circle with the food infront of us. "Let's eat!" We said and we started eating. Marilyn tried to get some but I said, "um whatcha doing? This is my stuff. Bye!". Everyone laughed. "Pff what a b*tch" she said. "So I heard you wanted to fight me. Is that true." I laughed. I took a sip of my drink and everyone laughed again. "Yeah. It is sk*nk" Marilyn said. "So you wanna do this now since you seem to be calling me a bunch of name? Or are you scared you're gonna lose?" I said. "Come on now, I would win your a tiny b*tch" she said. "Sorry but atleast I don't have jelly rolls and suck d*ck all day" I laughed. Everyone in the circle broke out laughing. I stood up and she backed up. "Problem?" Matt said. "Oh no just im gonna kick her a**" Marilyn said walking around the circle to me. I started cracking up. She threw a punch but I grabbed it. "Well you done did mest up" sunny screamed. I punched her chest. "Oops there goes the implants" Kathy laughed. Marilyn cried "you b*tch" . I walked toward Matt, "get your b*tch under control , you should be glad I didn't kick her a**" I said. "You're a little b*tch you know that?" Matt said. "Thanks" I muttered. Gabe got up and pushed Matt, "shut up kid. " Gabe yelled. "Gabe" I said. Gabe backed up. Matt and Marilyn joined the other guys. I walked away. I walked down the beach an sat down with my phone. "I regret all the tears, all the love, and everything I ever did for you. Because it all ended up being one big joke." I tweeted. Thousands of comments were all saying "what what?!? What happened!" . I smiled . Then Matt came over. I got up and kept walking. "Maggie stop." Matt yelled and grabbed my hand. "What the h*ll do you want from me?" I said and struggled to get out of his grip. "Please stop, I didn't mean anything back there. I'm sorry," Matt said. "Are you freaking joking! Let go you always do something and apologize and instantly think I'll forgive you. I'm done now. Go with your new girlfriend." I said and jerked my hand out of his grip. "Maggie" Matt said and threw his hands up and he gripped his hair. I walked back to the group circle and grabbed my wallet and shorts, I slipped them on. "I'm done. I have to go walk. I'll catch you guys later." I said. Sunny jumped up and came with me. Matt ran over. "Matt what do you want?" Sunny said. "Maggie will you forgive me?" Matt said. I looked at him and at this point I was crying. "I've cried so much over you. You keep hurting me. How will I ever trust you again? Huh tell me that. Just go back with your girlfriend. Trust me you'll be happier if you forget me." I said. I took one last look and he was on his knees looked like he was crying. I kept walking with sunny and we walked to Jamba Juice which was close. We walked in and ordered a two large smoothies we tried the today's special which is strawberries and some other fruits mixed in. We said down at a high top and I finished crying. I wiped my eyes and I saw a guy in a booth staring at me. Sunny said "hey that guy over there is staring at you, but don't look now it'll be obvious.". I looked. "You're a idiot you know that" sunny said . I started dying of laughter. I looked back and he was laughing to. "Oh my he is cute." I said. We stopped talking about it and we started talking about Matt. I wiped my eyes again, and sunny started talking. "I don't understand him, is he bipolar?" She laughed. "Looks like it don't it," I said. We talked for awhile about Matt and then we talked about New Jersey and stuff.

True loveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora