Chapter 15

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Maggie's POV
We rushed in the store and the guys followed. Faye grabbed a buggy and we hurried to the medical isle where I started throwing stuff in. Like alcohol, small but good band aids, anibiotics, and a lot of other stuff. I was feeling woosy. We walked to the register where I almost fell but Cameron caught me. Faye paid and we drove home. Nash went with me and Faye but drove us so Faye was in the back seat with me. When we got home Faye rushed me to the room. Faye wants to be some type of doctor so she did everything. I sat on the counter and Matt was still here. I put my arm over the sink and she poured the alcohol on it and I let out a wimper. Faye called Matt in and she whispered something to him but I couldn't hear. Matt walked over and wrapped his arms around my waist and his head buried in my shoulder and I wrapped my left arm over his back and clenched his shirt. I cried not because it hurt because I feel heart broken , like someone just shot me . I lost a lot of blood . Faye wiped up the last few drops and then added antibiotics, the put three small band aids to keep it closed and that's all I remember because I stopped watching and basically cried on matts shoulder. When she was done , I sat there with matthew for awhile. Faye left and Matt said something. " do you want to talk in your room?" . "Yeah" I said wiping my eyes. Matt carried me to my room and I laid on the bed while he sat next to me . "Matt why did you do that, why ." I said , I could feel my eyes getting glossy. " I didn't do anything she kissed me, I pulled away." Matt said wiping his eyes. "I'm sorry maggie , I would never do anything like that I I I ... Love you." Matt added. I turned and faced him and he smiled. "Don't ever do that again to me please... I've had my heart broken enough already." I said and patted the bed. He laid down next to me and we were face to face. "Maggie I love you so much. Your so perfect . " Matt said. "Nopeee I'm not perfect! But I do love you." I said and turned over on my side. Matt put his arm around my waist and cuddled with me, "Maggie." Matt whispered in my ear. "Yeah" I said turning over. Matt put his hand on my face and kissed me, I kissed back .

True loveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora