Chapter 20

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Maggie's POV
I woke up at 5:30 and I have a killer headache. I went on Twitter asap and tweeted "I have a killer headache, the YouTube video will probably be late unless one of my friends will post it for me😌" . I took a shower and ect.. I put on short shorts and a soft shirt. I laid in bed and tried to fall asleep to make the pain go away. It wouldn't budge though.. I got up from my slumber and went into the living room walking past everyone, the guys and my girls were all in the living room and I didn't notice they were there. I got a glass of water and swallowed a pill. I refilled my water and went back to my room and laid back down. My head was throbbing. My phone went off and it was carter, "you look hot". "F*** off. " I texted back and threw my phone at the wall and it fell on the floor unharmed. Faye came In and sat on the side of my bed and whispered so no one else could hear "eveyone is hear in the living room and you literally walked past us.". "Oh did I ? Hmm. My head really hurts" I said. I closed my eyes and heard two people walk in, one sat down on the bed and the other was silent in one of the corners of my room. "What happened last night?" Hayes asked. "Last night? Oh well I cried myself to sleep .." I said . "But why?" Hayes asked. "Oh you know I do it for fun. Hayes what else would I be crying over!!" I said loud and sarcastically. I heard Nash laugh outside my door. "Well dayum.. So what went on last night?" Hayes said . "Oh you know , gabbys boyfriend was flirting with me and I told him to F*** off and he wouldn't. Then when dinner ended, he grabbed my ass and I slapped him and Matthew saw and and " I said and choked up at the last part, "Matthew came over.. I guess he thought there was something between us." I said starting to feel my eye fill with tears. I opened my eyes and rubbed them and closed them again. "Please tell Matthew... My phones on the floor tell him to check my messages with Nate and carter." I said and turned over . Hayes got up and picked my phone up and handed it to someone. I have the worst headache ever. Someone left and shut the door. "Hello?" I said. I sat up and rubbed my eyes and Matthew was at the foot of the bed and his eyes were puffy. He was on my phone. He was mumbling something but I couldn't understand it. He got up and slammed the door. I got up and went into the bathroom and started crying. You know that cry where you can't control how loud you are yeah that's what was happening. I splashed waters on my face and dried it off . I went back to my bed and I couldn't stop crying, it felt like half of me was gone. I don't know if Matt and I are still together. I don't know where my phone is to, I want to text Matthew. I past out around noon and woke up at 2 to someone rubbing my back, it was Kathy. "Hey maggie do you wants some French fries? I'm just kidding but you need to get up! It's 2 pm. And the plane leaves at 7!" Kathy chuckled. I smiled and got up and brushed my hair and it was perfectly straight. Like usual. I laid out my outfit for the plane and it was skinny jeans and boots because it's gonna be cold in New Jersey! Plus a sweater too. It was only 2 so I figured the girls and I should get some lunch , and I could take some stuff off my mind. I put on some Jean shorts and a long sleeve shirt. I slipped on my vans and I told the girls and everyone agreed. They got dressed while I looked for my phone. I looked everywhere , then I gave up and sat on the kitchen counter. "Hey guys where's my phone?" I asked. "I don't know call it, here use my phone" Faye said and handed me her phone. I called it and it took forever to answer and then carter answered. "What's up babe." Carter said. I hung up and froze for a minute. Wait does matthew still have my phone!? I slid off the counter and walked out the door and went down the hall and knocked on Matthews door. Of course carter answered. "What's up babe." Carter laughed. "Can you f***ing not" I said. I rolled my eyes and then asked "can I come in and get my phone." . "Yes you can" nash said and pushed carter out of the way. I walked slowly to Matthews room and I knocked first because yeah . "Come in" Matthew said. I opened the door and he was laying on his bed and my phone was right next to him. I shut the door and walked alittle closer.. And then...

True loveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora