Chapter 24

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Matthews POV
I'm not gonna lie, I was pretty sad without maggie being here with me 24/7. I miss her and I'm so excited for her to get home! So It's December 29th and Maggie's is going to be here tonight at 10! So all the guys and I are going to go in the girls apartment and decorate it for Maggie's birthday!! I'm doing her room by myself and there are going to be so many surprises in her room! I'm gonna have lights sprung up and balloons all over the ceiling. I also have at least 6-7 dozens of carnations for her. They are really pretty! They're are some other cute gifts I got her. I finished her room with in 3 hours, it's not 7:59 and the boys should be finished with the bathrooms,living room, girls rooms, and the kitchen. I walked out of Maggie's room and they were still working on the kitchen and living room... "What the hell have you guys been doing! Come on we have to go pick them up in 2-1/2 hours!" I said laughing. I pumped some more ballons and scattered them in the girls room and put some in the bathroom and then it was done. We planned on getting there early and waiting were the bags are getting dropped off and we set up and rectangular box that I can stand in. So what we're gonna do I put it by a wall and there a ribbon on it so she'll have to open it and the when she does I pop out with a dozen of red carnations, and well me! The box is actually wrapped to so I looks great! When it was 8:45 we left in Marlene escalade and Carter drove the some of the guys in his car. "Are you nervous?" Nash laughed. "A little but I'm really excited!" I said. He laughed and I kept driving. We jammed out to the radio and finally got to the airport at 9:30, there is a ton of traffic! We hurried inside and took the box we called a head of time and told the supervisor. He allowed it so here we are. The flight was let out at 9:50 I got in the box and cameron tied the ribbon.
Cameron's POV
Nash and I are going to find maggie, the girls and her family and walk with them back to the luggage area. "Hey there she is!" Nash said. "Maggie!" I said and waved. Maggie saw me and everyone walked over. "Hey guys!" Maggie said. "Hey maggie," we both tuned. Maggie looked around and I think she thought Matt was coming. "Wh.. Where's Maatt?" Maggie said. "I think at the apartment why?" I said. "Oh." Maggie said and kept walking. I could tell she was upset. But once she opens her early present she'll be okay! We hurried to the luggage area before anyone else did and got the luggage and we told maggie. "Maggie see that present over there? It's for you" I said and she walked slowly to it.
Maggie's POV
I slowly walked toward my present supposed. I stopped, "wait is something gonna pop out?" I laughed. "No" cam said. I was about to tear the ribbon off when.. "Booooooarw" Nash yelled. I jumped , "Nash!" I laughed . I ripped off the ribbon and opened it alittle and peeked in the crack. I opened it and it was matthew! "Matthew!" I cried. "Maggie!" Matthew said smiling. He hugged me and I hugged back, "these are for you beautiful" . "Matt you didn't have to! But thank you I love you" I smiled. Taylor,nash,cameron and the rest of the boys carried the suit cases along with my brothers. Matt and I were in the back of the escalade and then it was all the girls filled the rest and my mom drove Marlene's car. The boys filled the rest of the vehicles.

True loveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora