Matt left after we woke up , I went in my room and finished up my homework. I had nothing to do for the rest of the day. Faye and Marlene went out on a double date with their boyfriends and gabby and Kathy are Shopping for my birthday present which is coming up next week. I got up from my desk and took a shower. When I got out I got a text from a random number. "Hello beautiful.". I put on my grey vans and put my shorts and a grey shirt on. I texted back , " hi☺️ who is this btw?" . I made myself a snack and sat down on the couch. "It's matthew Espinosa ." Matt texted me. "Oh hey ☺️" I sent back. I decided to use my penny board today, I put my phone in my back pocket and started to head out of my room. Matt texted me again, "are you busy today?" . "No , I'm going skate boarding if you would like to come? Meet me down in 5 min If you want :D" I texted back. I went to the lobby and sat down, I got a glass of water and drank some. Matt came down looking so cute! I couldn't help myself but stare. He found me and we left the apartment. " so what's your story ? I know nothing about you, I would like to ." Matt laughed. "Well I just graduated last year from high school last year and I'm 1 year into college, well enough about me what about you " I said and smiled. " well I graduate a year or two ago and I'm kinda ig,vine , and Twitter famous. Plus I met a supperrr cute girl." Matt laughed. I smiled and we kept skating. We stopped by some open shops and Matt bought ice cream. We sat down and ate ours and enjoyed the view. Our phones started buzzing, "hey come back to the apartment were all hanging out." The girls texted me and the guys texted Matthew. We threw away our mess and skated back to the hotel. It was about 5 now . "Time for dinner I suppose " I laughed. Matt smiled and we took the elevator up to the room. Everyone was sitting on the couch, "we would like to ask you to please make us dinner." They all said laughing. "Okay okay ." I smiled. I changed into my comfy shorts from Victoria secret. Matt sat on the counter top and the rest sat in the floor or on the couch and watched a movie. I made 3 home made pizzas. I tossed and spun the dough out and put it on a pan and smeared sauces and pepperoni and cheeses. I put in two pizzas and turned around and saw Matthew smiling . "She's so cute" Matt mumbled under his breathe. I acted like I didn't hear him but I did and I smile and put everything away. I cleaned the kitchen and soon enough the pizza was done. I cut it and let everyone get slices. They all say back down and I put the last pizza in. Matt was texting someone, I don't know who .. Just hoping it wasn't a girl. The. One of the boys phone beeped. 15 minutes later I pulled the last pizza out and ate with Matthew . When we were done, Faye put everyone's dishes in the dishwasher and we played a civil game of truth or dare because the girls all had boyfriends except me. Carter was dating someone too. I put my phone on my speaker and played some music. "Faye truth or dare?" Hayes said.
"Truth ." She replied.
" how many boyfriends have you had?" Hayes said .
"One" she said confidently .
"Nash truth or dare?" Faye said.
"Dare" nash said.
"I dare you to post a ugly triple chin picture on your ig." Faye laughed
"Well okay" Nash laughed.