Chapter 3

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I grabbed my wallet and my phone, and walked out to the living room and sat down. "I'll drive , who's car? " I asked. "Mine has more seats" Marlene suggested. "Okay." I said and grabbed her keys. I motioned everyone out the door and everyone went to the elevators. The boys weren't in the hallways though.. I clicked the key and unlocked the car. I got in the front and pushed the seat back. Marlene is so tiny she has to push the seat up , but she has a huge car ! Everyone piled in and I backed the car up and drove to the mall. We all went into each store together and bought a lot of clothes that weren't to expensive but they were cute! 3 hours went by... "Let's go grocery shopping now." Faye said sarcastically. Kathy drove us to the nearest grocery store which was publix. I went in with gabby and grabbed what we needed and checked out. "I'm so tired.." I said stretching. Gabby giggled and we loaded the car and drove home. I fell asleep in the car. "Wake up sleepy head" gabby said . I unbuckled my seat belt and hopped on gabbys back and she carried me to the room. I had my eyes closed the whole way there. Gabby threw me on my bed and sat down next to me. "Who's the tall boy with brown hair?" Gabby asked . "Oh I don't know." I yawned. "Well he was staring at you so yeah." Gabby laughed. I blushed and said " oh that's matthew I think. " . After finishing that sentence I fell asleep. It was 3:25 when I fell asleep.

True loveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora