Chapter 25

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Maggie's POV (till further notice)
Marlene guided my mom to the hotel they were staying at which was 5 minutes away from ours. "This is a nice car!" My mom explained. Marlene and my mom were chatting away . Matthew held my hand and I leaned my head on his shoulder. "I love you" matt said. "How much?" I laughed. "To the moon and back times infinity and a bag of bagels." Matt laughed. "Awe" I said kissing his cheek, "I love you more though. " . "Nope I love you more!" Matt said. "Impossible!" I said. I yawned and rested my shoulder back on matt. I fell asleep shortly after. "Good bye girlys and matthew!" My mom said. "What" I mumbled and opened my eyes. Matt was cradling me, he was literally holding me in his arms. "Hey sleepy head." Matthew said and kissed my forehead. I looked at my phone and quickly shut it off, the light was so bright. "Who texted you?" Matt said. "Oh I don't know the light blinded me." I said and slid my phone in my pocket. "Are we almost home?" I asked. "Yeah. Just one more block" Matt said. I rubbed my eyes and got my stuff together. The radio was on so I was singing along to Ariana grande 'love me harder'. "You have a beautiful voice babe" Matt smiled. "Thanks" I smiled. I sat up and turned to matt, "Matt thanks for being here with me, supporting me, loving me, and for staying with me" I said. "Your welcome babe I love you. Forever . That's a promise." Matt said and kissed my cheek. I smiled . "Pulling in now!!" Marlene said. We pulled in and we all got out of the car. I opened the truck and pulled out my heavy suitcase but jack g came over and got it, "don't worry about it I got it." He smiled. "Thanks jack" I said. The guys grabbed our bags and matt carried me inside because to be totally honest I was tired ! We got on our floor and matt was about to put me down. "You have to walk." Matt laughed. "Noooo" I laughed and wrapped my legs around his waist and wrapped my arms around his neck. Ugh were at the wrong side of the building! We have to walk like 400 meters to our room. Carter started to impersonate weird sex jokes and the guys laughed . Matt didn't know what was going on. I flicked them off and they laughed even more. I laughed and nuzzled my head in Matt's neck. "Relation ship goals !" Cameron laughed. "Oh my god cameron that's on your snapchat story!" Nash yelled. I looked up and they were laughing. "If im to heavy I can walk.." I whispered. "Maggie your as thin as a twig you weigh less then a feather!" Matt said. I kissed Matt's check and wrapped my arms back around his neck. We finally made it to our apartment but we needed my key. "Please God tell me you have my key" I laughed. "Yeah it's in my pocket" Matt laughed. I unraveled my legs from Matt's waist and got on the floor. "Now I feel short" I laughed. The guys and girls were whispering down the hall but I don't know about what though they were really happy though! Matt put in the key and twisted it. He opened the door and there was a...
Cliff hanger!! How do you guys like the story so far?!? I have over 400 reads now!😍 thank you guys!

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