Chapter 18

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The next day
Maggie's POV
I woke up around 6:30 from my phone blowing up. It was my mom and dad. They are wondering what time my plane leaves. Today is December 26th. Last day in California until the 29th. The girls are flying with me to, we all grew up in the small town we are from. I double checked my bags and everything and texted my parents back and said around 7 pm. I packed my carry on bag with my essentials . It's now 9. I would guess everyone would be up . I have already curled my long brown hair and changed for the day. I'm in Hollister jean shorts and a white crop top that says "Princess👑". The girls just started packing.. Seriously? I walked in Faye and Marlene's room and helped them pack. They take forever! It took two hours to pack their bags.. Ugh now onto gabby and Kathy. I walked in Kathys room and helped her pack and it didn't take as long because Kathy , gabby , and I don't really care what we bring . I made breakfast and the girls were filming a video for our channel. I laughed and kept making because the angle of the camera allowed me to be in the shot so I was making faces and doing funny stuff in the background and they didn't even notice! I finished making breakfast which was eggs and bacon, toast, omelets, you name it , it was there! There was a lot so I texted Matthew. "Hey babe, I made breakfast i don't if you guys are hungry but I made a lot! " . Not even a minute later the boys came in and devoured the left overs. We decided that everyone was gonna go out and see a movie and then to a dinner. We decided to go to a really fancy place , when I say we , I mean the boys .. The girls and I don't make enough money to eat their. The boys offered to pay though. We went to the guys room and hung out for a bit. Matthew and I were snuggled up on the couch, "I don't want you to pay so much for me, I feel bad." I said looking up at Matthew . "Babe it's fine! I want to spoil you." Matthew said and smirked. Matthew and I were sitting alone on the soft,brown, couch the guys had when the girls yelled "yo maggie we have to get ready!!". I got up but matthew grabbed my waist. "What?" I laughed. "You didn't say goodbye." Matthew laughed and kissed me. I kissed back and got up and went back to the room with the girls. I filmed my video which our week was "Whatever we want week" . So I decided mine would be like what it's like going somewhere fancy w/ the girls, but not that title. I set up my tri-pod in the corner of the bathroom and all of us piled in and did our hair. Kathy re-curled my hair and then did some final touches and then I filmed the other girls straighten,curl, you name it. I got really cool shots too.
(Btw the photo about the title is the dresses each person wore)
I finished the video and Matthew came over. Gabby,Faye,Marlene,and Kathy had their boyfriends came over. Matthew drove us to the movies at 3. Dinner was at 6. Matthew parked and we went inside the movies and the movie ended at 5:45. We then went to dinner...

True loveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora