Chapter 30

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I went into my room and changed, and then Kathy came with me. Hmm that's weird. But whatever ! We knocked and shawn answered. "Hi maggie. Hi Kathy" shawn said . I walked to Matt's room and Kathy went to Shawn's room. Matt and I laid in his bed and were about to start our movie when everyone barged in, "let's watch a movie in the living room!!" Everyone yelled. "I'm to tired" I said putting my hand on Matt's chest. "I'll carry the princess," cameron said , "Matt grab the movie and the movie player" . Matt nodded. Cameron picked me up bridal style and took me in the living room, "I could of walked" I whispered. "Maggie , you weigh 1 oz" cameron whispered back. Cameron sat me on the couch, and Matt came out with the movie and everything and nash set it up. Matt came over and laid with me, he was closer to the couch cushions so i snuggled up to him so I wouldn't fall. "What time is it?" I asked. "11:47" Matt smiled. I nodded and laid my head back down on Matt's chest. I started to fall asleep and I was getting cold. "Hey Hayes, oops my bad, can you get Matt and I a blanket, I'm so cold." I said and accidentally smacked Hayes by throwing my hand off the couch. "Yeah" Hayes said. I was fast asleep , for which felt like forever. Then Matt woke me up. "Happy birthday baby, I love you." Matt said. "Thank Matt, I love you more" I said and rubbed my eyes. Then I kissed his cheek. I sat up and everyone was staring at me. "What did I miss?" I laughed. "Nothing , but check snapchat, instagram , and twitter" everyone said. I cuddled in Matt's arms and went on my phone. {My back was against Matt's chest and his arms were around my waist and he put his head on my shoulder} I unlocked my phone and it was exactly 12:01. I posted a picture on Instagram of matthew and I m with the caption "happy birthday to meee!" . And then I went on Twitter and tweeted "it's my birthday!" And posted a picture on snapchat saying its my birthday. Since I was still on snapchat I decided to look at Matthews, the girls and guys snapchats. Matthew posted a ton of pictures saying how much he loved me and blah blah. I smiled and the. Went through everyone else's and saw Cameron's and Nash's . They posted the same picture of me cuddling up to Matt sleeping with the caption "relation ship goals!'' . Oh my god they kill me!! I laughed and then went on Twitter. Everyone said happy birthday and stuff and Matt said "happy birthday to my beautiful girlfriend, I'm glad I can call her mine". I turned my head and kissed Matt's cheek. "Awe" everyone chimed. I blushed and then went on Instagram and all my girls posted old pictures of us saying "happy birthday !! I love you so much! Hope you enjoy your gift😘 btw it's our 15 year anniversary of us being friends!! Love you!! " I smiled and I saw all the guys post something saying happy birthday and then I read Matthews caption. Matt posted a picture of me from when we had dinner, I was lookin good! "Happy birthday to my girlfriend!! It's been 4 months and it has been the best time of my life. I love you so much Maggie! " Matt's caption said. It was much longer though, I was tearing up it was so sweet. I turned to matt and he kissed me. I hugged him and he hugged back. "Matt thank you!" I said. I wiped my eyes and got up to thanked everyone. The guys had set up the tv to play vines from Cameron's phone so we played edits about Matt and I and just me. They were so cool! I can't believe people actually would make these for me! I went on my vine with no volume and followed them and commented.

True loveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora