Chapter 63

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I shut the camera of...
Maggie's POV
"You sang beautifully like usual" Matt smiled. "Did I now?" I laughed and got up. "You did babe" Matt said getting up and wrapping his arms around my waist. We walked into the kitchen and there was a bouquet of flowers. "Matt you did not." I said and turned around. "I did. For my beautiful girlfriend." Matt said. I got threw my arms around Matt's necks and he lifted me up. I put my legs around his waist."you're cute" Matt said. "Ya lyin" I giggled. "Hey that's my thing!" Matt laughed and tickled me. "Okay okay!" I said and started wiggling. He stopped and kissed my cheek. "What are the plans for today?" I asked. "Well, we could go to the beach,hike up to the Hollywood sign, Netflix,movies, anywhere" Matt said. "What do you want to do" I said. "Maybe just stay home. I'm tired. What about you?" Matt said. "I agree" I said. "I can help edit that video for ya" Matt said. "Alright" I said leaning into his chest. Matt walked to my room with me Around him. He sat in the rolling chair and started editing my video. "Do you like this?" Matt said. "I do" I said and he smiled. He kept editing and around 12 we posted it. "Bam. It's done." Matt said. He did a really good job. Matt Picked me up off him and laid on the bed. "Which movie or show should we watch today?" Matt laughed. "Wanna watch American horror story?" I said. "Sure" Matt said. Matt turned the Xbox on and put on Netflix and we started watching American horror story. I cuddled into Matt and he put his arm around me. We watched ahs till 6 o'clock. Matt's stomach growled. "You hungry" I giggled and he nodded. "Pizza?" Matt said cheerfully. "Sure thang" I laughed. He sat up and I got up, "you should make it though, yours is the best" Matt said and pulled me into a hug when he got up. "Thanks babe, but someone has to get the dough." I said looking up at him. "I gotchu girl" he smiled and pulled his phone out. "Hey cam go to the store and get 4 pizza doughs, pizza night at Maggie's" Matt said and hung up. "What should we do in the mean time."I said. Matt smiled. I sat on the counter and Matt walked toward me. I pulled Matt toward me and put my arms around his neck and hugged him. I wrapped my legs around him. Matt looked up at me. "I never want to lose you, you're my everything." Matt said kissing me. I kissed back. "But you won't. Because I do too." I smiled. He hugged me. "We should do a relationship tag on your account" I smiled. "Let's do it" he said and we went into my room. He tweeted for people to ask us questions. Matt wasn't looking good, like sick. He wasn't acting like himself. Matt walked out of the room and into the bathroom.. I set up the camera and put the two chairs down and waited for Matt. Matt came back a few minutes later. "You alright Matt" I said concerned. He nodded and sat next to me. I went to kiss him but he moved his head so I kissed his heek and quickly turned the camera on. Talk about embarrassing.. Ugh, there I go again making myself feel bad. Matt did his intro and than we started. "When did you guys start dating?" Matt said and looked at me. "September!" I smiled. "How many kids do you want" I said reading off Twitter.
Matt blushed and laughed. "Well more than 1 for sure, we want a big family" Matt smiled. "What's one thing that you love about the other?" Matt said. "I love Matt's smile and laugh" I said. "I adore Maggie. All of her. Her flaws. Everything. I love maggie" Matt said. I looked at him and my eyes started tearing up. He pulled me close to him and kissed me. "Babe I love you" I said and smiled. "Matt. What's your favorite cover that maggie has sang ?" I said. "Love me like you do, because I was there! By the way guys go check it out!" Matt winked at the camera. I blushed. We went on and on and on and it felt like forever and I enjoyed it. After awhile we did a majority of the tweets and Matt did his outro and ended it with him kissing me. "Knock knock I have dough!" Cameron said banging on my door. I hugged Matt and went into the kitchen. Matt edited some of the video and than joined us when I put the pizzas in the oven. When I was making the pizzas cameron and nash were snap chatting it.

True loveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora