Chapter 80

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Maggie's POV
I woke up and I had several messages. It was 5:09 p.m. Oh god I didn't mean to take a four hour nap. I checked my messages and they were from grace. "How disrespectful are you? Our friend is in severe pain and your at home with your boyfriend. What is wrong with you. So ignorant. I can't believe you Maggie." My heart stopped. What this can't be happening. I got out of bed and was walking and I could barely walk straight. Everything was so unclear. I called grace, "grace you don't understand" and she hung up. I fell and started crying. I couldn't breathe. Matt walked out and yawned, "babe why are you on the floor?" He said. I punched the floor. He helped me up but I shook him off. I grabbed my duffle bag and wiped the tears off my face and raced downstairs. I called for a taxi and they picked me up but Matt stopped the car. "Maggie what the heck where are you going" he yelled. "To see Kathy, you didn't even call the hospital did you? Because she's awake now." I cried. He threw his hands on his head and sat on the sidewalk and the the taxi driver drove me to the hospital. I was shaking. I rushed to her room when I got there. "Kathy! I'm so sorry!" I said. "Just get out, why don't you" grace said. Faye took grace and everyone out. I started crying by her bedside. "I'm so sorry, Matt lied to me and told me you wouldn't wake up and that if you did the hospital would call" I cried. She nodded her head. She couldn't speak. "I'm so sorry, you know I would of been here." I said. "Did.. You get your.. Your memory back?" She pondered. "Yes" I cried. She smiled, and a tear rolled down her cheek. I talked to her for hours and than she fell asleep. I went to the vending machine to get a Sprite and when I came back this guy was sitting by her bed so I rushed in and he turned around and it was my Best Friend who I haven't seen in awhile. "Gabe" I said. He smiled. He stood up and I ran to hug him. "I missed you" he said. "I missed you to" I said. He knew I was tired so we sat in the corner of the room and we chatted for a little but I fell asleep and he pulled me closer to him.
The next morning...
I woke up to someone throwing something. It was Matt, he threw flowers on the ground. "Matt come on" I yawned. "So what now your done with me? Since I told an innocent lie and you find someone knew?" He yelled. "Dude it's me gabe" gabe said. "whatever man, have fun with her" Matt said and walked out. I just sat there stunned. What just happened.. Why. I texted Matt. "Hey Matt. You can be mad but that was gabe and you should know by now that he's just my best friend.. Andd you know I love you. I couldn't imagine a world without you babe." "Whatever" he replied. "Text me when your not acting like this okay. Thanks. Love you babe" I texted. He didn't reply. I have to say my heart hurts to know he walked out but.. I can't leave Kathy. And nothing happened between gabe and I. Gabe was staying for another two weeks, he was leaving Christmas Eve. Gabe left to go with grace to get food. She's still mad at me so gabe was gonna try to calm her down. The doctor came in and said if she makes any progress that she can leave in a week. That's good news. Kathy and I talked for awhile and then she wanted me to grab a few thing from the apartment so I went home to grab those things.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Dec 24, 2015 ⏰

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