Chapter 52

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I managed to get the bottle open so I set out the pills. I grabbed the razor from the shower and cut my wrists. Blood was everwhere. I kept cutting and then cameron unlocked the door. I hurried to grab the pills but he pulled me closer to him. "Stop! I don't want to live anymore. I'm done with my life." I yelled and tried getting out of Cameron's hold. "Just let it happen. No body loves me anyways" I cried into his chest. Nash cleaned up my wrists and then we went into the living room. I curled up into a ball and cried. "I don't want to live" I cried. Someone pounded on the door again. "I don't want to live" i cried. Nash and Cameron got the door so I made a run for it. I slowly walked toward the bathroom but cameron pulled me to him. I started punching his chest, "just let me die" i cried. I heard Matt cry. He was bawling. Probably because he didn't think It would escalate to this. I dropped to the floor and cried. Matt picked me up and held me on the couch. "I don't want to live anymore." I kept mumbling. "Maggie!" Matt yelled. I kept crying and crying . "you're a emotional freak. You're fat. You're worthless. You're thighs are to muscular. You're face is ugh. You're ugly" Matt screamed and dropped my on the floor. Cameron and Nash questioned Matt and he punched them. I cried and cried. "Just let me die here alone." I yelled.
I woke myself up, it was all a dream.
I started crying. I was in Matt's room alone. Matt came back into his room. "Maggie!?" Matt said and slid into bed next to me. "What's wrong baby" he whined. "I had a really horrible Dream when I fell asleep on the couch." I said. "What was it about?" He asked. "Well you were cheating on me with this girl, cameron and Nash took me to my apartment , I went to the bathroom and tried to kill myself. Then Cameron and Nash saved my from taking pills but I had cut my wrist. Then you came in and held me and then I said I wanted to die. Then you dropped me and told me all these horrible things like im fat and I'm ugly and I'm worthless" I cried. Matt hugged me. "I would never do that! I love you maggie" Matt said and kissed my cheek. He wiped all the tears away and brought me into a hug. I calmed down and Matt kissed me again. "Babe I didn't brush my teeth, that's gross" I said crawling off the bed. Matt pulled my hips back, "do you have to get up?" He asked. "Unless you don't want any kisses" I said. "No fair" he pouted. I got up and he followed. I brushed my teeth and when I was done he carried me back to the bed. "Maggie I love you so much" he said and I climbed on top of him and started kissing him. "I love you more" I said In Between kisses. We stopped and started watching Netflix. I put my hand on Matt chest and his heart was beating really fast. "Did you enjoy that" I smiled. "I did" he blushed. We kept watching the movie and then we decided to get lunch. I slipped on some Jean shorts and Matt's hoodie and we left the room. Cameron and nash tagged along. Cameron drove and nash sat in the front while Matt and I were in the back. We're going to chipotle. Matt held my hand the whole ride there. I leaned my head onto Matt's shoulder and it was a hour drive. Matt and I played 21 questions, not the clean version. I learned some interesting things about Matt and he learned a lot about me.. Well anyways we played and than we got to chipotle. We ordered and took it to go. Matt and I walked back to the car while cameron and Nash waited for the food. We sat in the car and Matt was gonna drive home, so I sat in the front with him.

True loveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora