Chapter 48

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Matt came back and we talked a lot and planned some stuff for us to do. "Where's my phone?" I said. "Oh it's in my pocket" Matt said. I grabbed my phone out of his pocket and went on my notes and wrote this down. "Tomorrow February 11- walk around Los Angles date , febuary 14-valentines day; dinner+hangout in his apartment, febuary 16- movie date. And so on." "Baby I'm excited" Matt said. "Me too" I said. Matt laid back down and was mumbling something. I laid next to him and he smiled. "Babe you're so pretty. I love every inch of you." Matt said. I blushed. Matt pulled me over to him so I was laying on him. Matt leaned up against the back board of my bed. I put my legs around his waist. "God you so cute" Matt said. "No I look like a raccoon." I said and snuggled into his Chest. "Baby, your so perfect, why can't you get that through your mind." Matt said serious. "Because I don't like myself" I said and moved so I wasn't cuddling with him but I was still sitting on him. "I just don't understand." Matt said. I looked down. "Baby your beautiful." Matt said and lifted my chin up. I stared into his luxurious brown eyes and smiled. He smiled and leaned in, we kissed and then I pulled away. Then He started to kiss my neck. "You're beautiful" Matt said. I smiled. I focused his face to me and kissed him. We started to make out when he grabbed my booty. "Babe." I said. He giggled. I broke away from our session. It's 10:38 right now. "Wanna go to my place and hang out there?" Matt asked. "Of course" I said. I grabbed my keys,Phone,and purse with some of my stuff In it. I walked with matt to the living room and Gabe and sunny were in there. "Maggie" Gabe said happily. I walked over to Gabe and hugged him, "someone can sleep In my bed because I'm spending the night with the bae" I whispered to sunny. She giggled . I broke away from Gabe and went with Matt to his room. We got into the apartment and everyone was staring at me. "What?" Matt said annoyed. I walked to his room and overhead Matt say "bro she hugged Gabe infront of me like what the heck." . I laid on his bed and waited for him. I started to get worried, I don't want him to think I'm cheating on him... Hugging, I mean totally is cheating . NOT. I changed into a tank top and spanks, I was just pulling my tank top on when Matt walked in and slammed the door which made me jump. "Babe it's just me" he said trying to not act mad. I was upset, he came over and kissed me. I stood there and then crawled in bed. Matt turned off the light and laid next to me. He pulled me closer to him. I wiped my eyes and accidentally let out a whine. "Babe? What's wrong!?" Matt said and turned on the light. I covered my face and said " it's fine it's nothing.." I said. He pulled me closer and turned me so I was facing him. "Babe" Matt whined. "Do you really think I would cheat on you.." I said. "No of course not.." Matt slowly said. "Matt don't even try to act like you didn't say that to everyone. I heard you." I said . "Babe it's just I don't like you hanging out with Gabe.." Matt said and looked down. "I wouldn't stop you from hanging out with a GIRL BEST FRIEND. Because you know why? I trust you. Yet.. Whatever." I said and wiped my eyes. "Babe I didn't mean it like that." Matt said. "Okay babe. It's fine." I said. "But it's not" Matt said annoyed. "Matt please can we just sleep. We're just gonna get in another argument.." I said. "I just don't want you mad and going to sleep , babe. " Matt said. I looked up at him and kissed him. Matt kissed back and then I broke away and put my hand on his chest and he shut the light off. I turned on my side and he cuddled with me. He trailed kisses from my head to my shoulder. "Good night baby I love you" Matt said. "Good night love" I said and kissed him one last time before I fell asleep.

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