Chapter 2

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*Beep echoed the alarm clock* "ugh.." I groaned. I threw my blankets off me and stood up. I stretched and put my hair in a messy bun. I put on my short gym shorts on and my sports bra with a crop top and grabbed my phone and headphones. I had wireless headphones so they didn't mess me up while I ran. I quietly set up my headphones and put it on my ear and slipped my shoes on. It was about 5:30 in the morning. I quietly put a sticky note on the fridge saying I went for a 6 mile run. I walked out of our apartment and went to the lobby. I bumped into a stranger along the way. "Oops I'm sorry." I said and walked out the doors to the beach. I did my regular routine to warm up and ran 3 miles along the shore and back. I listened to the same five songs I have on my playlist over and over again. I finally finished my run at 6:30 ish. I walk over to a calm peaceful spot in the sand , and took my crop top off and sat my phone and keys on it. I did my aftermath routine and walked back to the apartment with my shirt wrapped around my wrist. I was dying , it was so over heated. I walked up 3 flights of stairs because their were millions of girls screaming at the elevators... I walked through the doors to my floor and walked to my room which was all the way down the hall. "What are you doing here you can't be up here.." A security guy yelled. " excuse me my room is 419.. " I explained. He wouldn't let me pass. I was so irritated... I pulled out my card and showed him my room key. He let me pass. "Thanks. " I said under my breathe. There were guys down the hall jumping around by my door. I walked all the way to my room and they were still fooling around. I quietly opened my room and they all kept staring at me.. I ignored that and saw that no one was awake. I threw my stuff on my bed and started to get in the shower. I put shampoo in my hair and had just rinsed my hair when someone knocked at the door. I jumped out of the shower with my towel around me. I looked through the peep hole and it was the guy I ran into... I opened the door alittle so my head stood out . " hello?" I said. "Hi , um.. I'm matthew I'm living infront of you I just wanted to say hi . " he laughed and scratched his head. " nice to meet you I'm maggie . " I said and smiled. "Get ITT" someone yelled . I laughed and said , "well I have to finish my shower I'll see you later maybe?" . "Yeah ." Matthew responded. I shut the door and went back to the bathroom and finished my shower. I got out and put a towel in my hair and got changed into sweat pants and a tank top. I packed my stuff for my classes later tonight. I had a couple hours before I had to make breakfast . I organized my closet and even cleaned my room a bit! I went into the kitchen and made some pancakes, eggs , bacon, and toast. The aroma filled the room and I set the girls alarm clocks for 8:30 to wake up. It was 8:15 and I already finished making breakfast.. So I set out everyone's plates and put our water for everyone. I texted my dad pictures of the table and food and said " learned from the best , miss you guys!" . The girls and I planned on going to the mall today and the grocery store. Gabby got up and started whistling really loud which got everyone up! "Oh my ...ugh gabby come on!" The girls groaned. They all got up and ate breakfast and so did I. Faye took one bathroom and Marlene took the other one. Gabby and Kathy dat their bags by the front door so when we go to school we can grab and go. 30 minutes went by and Faye and Marlene were done, gabby ran to the big bathroom and Kathy was stuck with the small one. I was laughing at gabby because she was yelling music lyrics in a really funny voice. I dried my hair and straightened it and changed into jean shorts and a T-shirt. Mean while I waited in my room for them to get ready.

True loveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora