Chapter 77

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4 weeks later
I'm finally out of the hospital. Kathy and Matt helped me pack up my stuff and we got into Matt's car. Matt practically carried me to the car and Kathy put the stuff in the trunk. Matt helped me into the back and I kept saying "owe" because it hurt to walk with the crutches. "I'm sorry" he said and I knew he had been crying . Looked like days. Weeks. Actually. He say me in the car and. I laid with my back against the door and my leg rested up. Matt and Kathy sat in the front seat and drove, I guess they thought I was sleeping because they were talking about me. "It's all my fault. We should of never gotten into this argument. She would of never ran off. And and.. " Matt said until her busted into tears. "Matt it was not your fault! Stop it. You know that." Kathy said. I rubbed my eyes. "Are we there yet. I need medicine. It's not working and I hurt. Everywhere." I said. The next thing I knew Matt was waking me up. He helped me out of the car and helped me inside and up the elevator to my room. I was wobbly and he pulled me close to him. I leaned my head on him and he smiled and I saw a tear fall from his cheek. The elevator dinged and he helped me walked to the apartment. Kathy unlocked the door and Matt helped me inside to my room. He sat me in my bed. "Owe" I cried. He propped my leg up . "Do you want anything to eat or drink?" He asked. "Water would be great" I said. He left. Kathy and the girls came In and gabby had made flash cards of what I should know. And made a huge slide show of my relationship with Matt. And many more memories. "Gabby! Thank you!" I said . And an Matt walked in. He sat next to my bed and on my swirling chair. I kept looking at the slide show over and over again. I heard someone breathing really heavy and that loud weep you make when you're really hurt and crying. I tried to remember. I pushed the computer aside and laid back in bed and stared at my wall with pictures of Matt and I hung up. I had Faye grab them and I looked at them like they were hidden treasure. I tried really hard to remember.. It's just not happening. I want to remember what I felt, what I went through, how everything happened. I remember back home with my parents and brothers and my best friends and those memories but nothing about living In California. Matt was still crying and Faye and the girls left. Matt got up to leave but I waved him over. "So are we dating?" I asked. "...yeah" he said. I looked down and fumbled with my fingers. He came over and sat next to me. "I'm sorry. I understand if you want to date other people. I just can't remember." I said and looked up at him. "No. I want you and only you. We can re-do all of our fun memories. I don't care what it takes or how long it takes for you to remember . I will always be here and love you." He said and wiped his tears away. He scooted closer to me and pulled me closer to him and just held me. I fell asleep and woke up 3 hours later. I woke up and no one was in my room and it was dark. I couldn't find my phone or the lamp. Where is my lamp anyways? "Hello?" I said . Matt opened my door and turned the light on . "Where is everyone?" I asked. "They are eating dinner" he said. I nodded.

True loveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora