Chapter 74

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Maggie's POV
I gripped Matt's shirt . Bad dream. I rubbed my eyes. "Good morning beautiful" Matt smiled. "Good morning." I replied. I got up and brushed my teeth and hair. I changed and laid back down next to Matt. "What do you wanna do today?" I asked. "Ehh... I have a flight to catch in an hour for a meeting with the boys. I probably should get going." Matt said jumping up and giving me a kiss goodbye. Well okay.. I got up and took a shower. When I was done I changed and blow dried my hair and curled it. I had a crop top and shorts on with socks. I was thinking about what I should film and than Faye barged in and asked "do you wanna come to the mall will Marlene and I?" . "Sure!" I said. I slipped on my vans and grabbed my back pack. "My car?" Faye said and grabbed her keys. We walked downstairs and ran into the boys. "Matt hide." Nash said loudly. Well that hurt. I rolled my eyes and kept walking. "You're good she's gone" cameron said. I walked faster to Faye's car and hopped in. I'm done. I tweeted on Twitter "Lying is such a turn off😒" . Faye drove to the mall and we went through a bunch of stores and had a bunch of bags. I was so tired at the end. It was probably 5 when we were done. Faye dropped Marlene and I off at the apartment and she drove to go somewhere. I don't know. We managed to carry all the bags in and we went up the elevator and when the doors opened Matt and the boy were standing there. "Shit. Busted." Hayes said. I rolled my eyes and walked to my room. Matt texted me. "I do have a flight.. It's at 7:45" . "Good for you." I replied and threw my phone on the couch. I carried the bags into Faye's room and separated theirs and than put my bags in my room. I put all my new clothes away and shoes and ect. When it was 8 I started to clean my room. When I was done with that I cleaned the kitchen and took all the trash bags in the house and stuck them into three huge bags. I propped the door opened and carried them downstairs and outside into the dumpsters where all the boys were filming a video. All the guys looked down, Matt worded something but nothing came out. "So much for your flight" I said . I walked inside and into the elevator . When it opened o rushed into my apartment. I thought he was flying somewhere for a meeting.. But no.. I went into my room and laid on my bed. A cloud of sadness just overwhelmed me. I started crying . Uncontrollably. I cried probably for thirty minutes until I stopped. I got up and put my hair into a bun and turned my water on in the tub and placed candles around it. I put a bath bomb on the water and got in and just laid in the warm, hot bath. It was relaxing. I closed my eyes and when I opened them I realized I fell asleep. I rubbed my eyes and looked over my shoulder and Matt was standing there. "Matt! Get out!" I yelled. "What why?" He asked. "I'm naked.." I said. "That's okay with me" he laughed . I covered myself. "Did you see anything?" I asked . ".. Nope" he said. He hesitated. D*mmit. I sat up a little and my arm covered somewhat . I blew out the candles and Matt was sitting on my counter by the sink. I grabbed the towel with one hand and covered myself when I stood up. "What happened to your flight... Your meeting." I asked annoyed. "It's actually tommorow. The guys just wanted me to be with them for once. You're always with me ." He said. "If I'm such a pest why don't you get rid of me?" I asked. "Maggie come on don't be like that." He said getting mad. I rolled my eyes and started walking into the bedroom when he grabbed my arm. "Can you stop being like that?" He said . "Like what , myself?" I asked. "You're so difficult.. " Matt said and rolled his eyes. I jerked my arm and grabbed clothes and went into the other bathroom to change into. When I was done I went into the kitchen and sat alone. I sat on the counter and my back against the cold wall. I closed my eyes and I heard Matt walk in here. "Is it to much to ask for alone time?" He said angrily. "No. Go it's fine." I said and looked down. I just wanted him to stop. He walked toward me. "Matt please calm down." I said looking the other way. He slammed his hands on the counter. "All this sh*t I do for you,buy for you, and all the things I deal with, this is how you treat me?" Matt yelled. I jumped. "Do you want to break up or something ... Just tell me.. " I said. After I finished my sentence I got goose bumps and I was shivering. "You know what I think so. I don't want to but if it's for the best.. I guess." Matt said and put his hands up on his head. "Okay." I said. I went into my room and grabbed my wallet and walked out of the apartment. I ran down the stairs crying. I past cameron and jack G . Than Matt stormed after me. I exited the building and called for an uber. They picked me up really quick to. I got in and I told them where I wanted to go. My phone rang and it was jack G , "Maggie where did you go? Matt's worried. ", "don't worry, I'll be back." I said. "Where are you going? Because we are right behind you" he said and the car behind us flashed their lights.

True loveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora