Chapter 73

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I finished my fruit bowl and water and sat it on my side table and laid in bed. I laid on my side with the lights off and kicked my blankets to the front of my bed. Started to close my eyes when someone opened my door and turned the lights on. "Lights off." I groaned. The lights went off. Someone sat next to me and rubbed my back. I rolled over and opened my eyes and it was Matt. Matt kicked his shoes off and put his legs on my bed. "Maggie im so sorry." Matt said. "I just i...." Matt said. I cut him off and sat in his lap and kissed him. "Maggie wait." Matt said. But I kept kissing him and he placed his hands on my lower back. He pulled away. "Maggie im really sorry I just had this mood swing.." He said. I placed my hands on his chest. "It's fine babe." I said. He started kissing my neck. "Maggie I love you so much" Matt said. "I love you to." I said and kissed him. I laid down next to him and he cuddled up to me. "You're such a tease" Matt whispered in my ear. Chills went down my spine. Matt laughed and cuddled me and placed his head on my neck. Matt and I cuddled for a good thirty minutes before I fell asleep at 3.
Matt's POV
I laid with maggie and she fell asleep in my arms. Man I could do this forever. Hold her in my arms. I fell asleep thinking about her and how we will live happily ever after. I woke up and it was 8:30. Maggie was still sleeping in my arms. I kissed her forehead and pulled my phone out of my pocket. I had 13 new messages from Taylor and Kathy in a group chat.
T-What's happening!!
K-yeah what's happening?
T- they're probably kissing
K- idk she seemed upset
T- well I heard noises
K- maggie said she's waiting till marriage if that's what you mean.
T- oh no I meant kissing but I'll tell Matt that though
K- oh lol
T- haha anyways Matt text us when your done with your make out session
K- love birds
T- how's shawn Karla?
K- 😊🔒
T-tell me the details😏
I laughed and texted back , "we did not do any of that is exept kiss a couple times maybe a session or not but hey what's up with Kathy and shawn!" . No one answered. I went on snapchat and posted a picture of maggie sleeping. She looks like an angel.

True loveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora