Chapter 53

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Matt and I waited in the car.
I turned on the radio and connected my phone. I put it only and started singing and dancing. Matt was videoing me. "I never f***ed Wayne, i never f***ed drake, all my life f**k sake." I said and danced to it. Matt was dying because I nailed all the moves and I knew all the words. I didn't know he was filming me. I looked at him and he was filming me. I curled up in a ball and covered my face. "Awe babe" Matt said and put his hand on my waist which made me jump. "You're ticklish" Matt grinned. "No, Matt I swear to god I will walk home." I said. Matt tried tickling me and I got out of the car and he started chasing me. "No Matt please!!" I cried laughing and kept running in circles around the parking lot. Matt caught me a grabbed my waist and spun me around in circles. "Babe!" I laughed. "Yo love birds let's go home!" Cameron and Nash said. Matt put me down and he put his arm around me and we walked back to the car and he drove. Nash and cameron were messing around and making vines in the back seat. I was thinking about what we could in 2 days. Beach? Yes! I started day dreaming and then we were there. Matt kissed me cheek and said "babe were home". I blinked, smiled and got out. I walked hand in hand with Matt up to my room. We got there and ate. "So guys what do you wanna do today?" I asked. "Cam an I have a shoot to go to , catch ya love birds later." Nash said after he finished eating and they left. I got up to clean the mess up and matt came behind me and hugged me. "Wanna film a video today?" Matt whispered. "Oh shoot yes!" I laughed and kiss his cheek. I cleaned everything up and we decided to go in the back parking lot and do a messy Q&A. Kian texted me, "hey doll face :)" . "Heyy! Matt and I are filming a Messy Q&A will you help us with it? In like 15 minutes at my apartment?" I texted back. "Sure be there soon!" He texted. "Mind if kian comes over and asks us questions about each other?" I asked matt. "I don't mind kians the homie." Matt laughed. We grabbed my camera and his tripod and other stuff we needed and put it by the door and went downstairs with my keys. "We have to get stuff for the videos!" Matt said and dragged me downstairs. He bent down for me to jump on his backs and I did. He carried me to my car and kian pulled in next to it. I got down and knocked on his window and it scared him. He jumped and started laughing. He rolled down the window, " we're going to the store wanna join us?" I said. He turned his car off and got out and got in our car. I turned mine on and backed out.
Skip to the store
We got to the store and we got horse radish and other gross stuff for my video, than for his video were gonna do the can food challenge. We got canned pineapples,peaches, sardines, pickles, and ect. We checked out and drove home.
Skip to the apartment
We finished setting up the table and chairs. Kian turned on the camera and Matt did his intro and than we started the can. "Maggie, ladies first." Matt smirked at me. I rolled my eyes and pulled out a number and it was 3. I opened it and laughed. I took a bite and said "oh my ew gross peaches ugh these are so gross" and continued eating another one with a sarcastic voice. Matt and kian laughed. "1" Matt said and groaned. "Ugh" Matt laughed. He opened his and it was sardines. "I'm definitely not kissing you until you brush your teeth!" I laughed. I took a bite and swallowed it. Than pulled me to him and kissed me. "Matt I love you but that's just mest up" I laughed. "2, I swear if it's pickles" I said and opened it. "F***!" I yelled. I looked at Matt and he was making his baby face. I picked on up and took a bite. I threw the leftover one on the ground and tried swallowing. "Nope nope not happening!" I said and spit it out. I wiped my mouth and Matt went on. We went on until the last one which was pineapples. "Cheers" I said and ate mine while Matt ate his. Matt did his outro and then we did my video. We moved the table and than I put my hair in a pony tail and put a bathing suit top on and shorts. Matt was shirtless. "The things I do for you" Matt smiled at me. I did my intro and than kian is the pourer guy and I'll ask Matt questions. I sat next to Matt and kian got behind him. "Matt when's my birthday." I said. "D..December 31!" Matt said. "What's my lucky number?" I asked. "10?" Matt said. "Nope 31" I laughed and kian poured horse radish sauce on him. Matt flicked it at me and it was all over my face. Kian wiped my eyes and I grabbed the towel I had and wiped my eyes and pretty much everything. "What's my Instagram user name?" I asked. "Maggieee" Matt said. I nodded, "where did we meet?" I asked. "In the parking lot" Matt questioned. I looked at him, "are you being for real!? Nah we ran into each other downstairs.." I laughed. Kian poured more stuff on him and than it was my turn. "What color are my eyes?" Matt said and closed his eyes. "Hmm uh I think pink. Nah just kidding brown!" I laughed. "Where did we go for our date with everyone?" Matt asked. "A fancy dinner place that I don't know what's called" I said. He nodded but kian dozed me which mustard. "Oh my god," I said and tried not to think about the mustard going down my back. We kept going on and I think I pretty much won.

True loveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora