Chapter 34

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I let out one last tear and past out.
Marlenes POV
So we were going downstairs and we saw Matt kissing someone when we got out of the elevator, but maggie didn't notice till we got outside and there he was making out with some sl*t. I feel so bad for her.. Her last relationship was terrible. I mean terrible. Maggie literally just past out from crying so much and it's 1:45. Cameron and Nash went to their apartment to see why Matt did that. Kathy and Shawn went to get food to bring home. Gabby and Faye had to film a video for her. "Hey guys it's me gabby and Faye, you're probably wondering why isn't maggie making the video. Well today was a very bad day for her and she's in her room sleeping it off. Well anyways let's get to the video." Gabby spoke really loud. I sat in Maggie's room and sat in her comfortable desk chair. I went on Twitter and saw her tweets and then Matt's, "everyone deserves a break." . What the h*ll! "I honestly thought you were a good guy, apparently we were all wrong. I can't believe you. " I tweeted. Ugh I don't know why he's doing this!
6 hours later
Maggie's POV
I woke up at 6:59 and I was exhausted. I looked at my phone and my Twitter was blowing up. I don't want to check because I'll probably cry even more. I went on snapchat and posted a picture with a caption "past out for 6 hours😒". I have a small white board on the front of my door saying Maggie's room💕 , but I'm changing it now. "Maggie's room💔" I silently closed the door and went back into my bed. "Maggie?" Cameron knocked and came in. "Ya" I replied. "Are you okay?" Cameron questioned. "Eh I still feel like my heart was shattered in millions of pieces.." I snapped. "I'm sorry I don't know why Matt did this to you! I'm really sorry." Cameron said. I nodded and went on YouTube to see what gabby had posted. I connected my phone to the Xbox which allowed me to play Youtube from my phone. I clicked on our account and watched the new video. It was funny, I had a series of just our videos. Then the one Matt and I posted and it was the relation ship tag. I quickly turned it off and put on music. I went over to my desk and wrote down "not about Angels by birdy, I'm not the only one by Sam smith, and last but not least human by Christina perri" . I'm gonna post a cover on my main channel and I'll have two songs on back up. I'll do this next week though. I'm not mentally stable right now. I laid back down and tried not to think about Matt but I did. All the memories and time spent together all crumbled up and thrown away. All the dinners and parties we had , they are all gone. Kathy and Shawn brought in a tray table with dinner which was basically KFC dinner. They ordered me a large mash potatoe and gravy and a ton of biscuits because I love them! "Thanks guys" I said. "Your welcome" Kathy and Shawn said leaving the room. Cameron was watching YouTube videos with me, "hey do you wanna pick the videos now, while I eat" I said. "Of course!" Cameron said taking my phone. It's funny because we started with his channel and then later ended up watching did the chicken or egg come first. "Cameron how did we get to this video?" I laughed. "I have no idea" Cameron giggled. We watched more videos and then we watched Netflix, "wanna watch house?" Cameron said. "Yeah!" I said.

True loveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora