Chapter 19

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No ones POV

Kai had finished doing what Kokichi ordered him to do, he was in his room. He had his phone taken away so he was quite bored. "In 10 minutes dad will be home.." he mumbled sitting up on his bed. Kai got up, then went to the bathroom to change. He had decided to watch TV in the mean time. He wore a black T-shirt with neon colors splattered on it.

He also wore black shorts, he walked to his bed and sat on it. Grabbing his remote, his dad had put the TV in his room when he was 12. Kai decided to watch hunter x hunter. He cuddled with his old hello kitty plush from 5th grade. He still loves colors and cute things, he acted tough and cool but he was still so childish on the inside. No wonder he's a bottom.

He flinched a bit when his door opened, to see a tall man with dark blue hair. His dad Shuichi Saihara. "Hey Kai." He smiled. 'Good so mom didn't tell him.' Kai thought. "Hey dad." He said. "What are you doing still up? You have school tomorrow you know." Shuichi raised his eyebrow. "Oh right,  thanks for reminding me.." he mumbled turning off his TV. "Okay, we'll sleep well Kai, good night." He smiled, the closed the door.

He got up and turned the light off, then he turned on his fairy lights. He had purple ones he liked how it made his room more magical. He gets in bed, and hugs his hello kitty plush. He was upset with himself, his mother yelled at him for the first time. I mean who wouldn't? You found out that your underaged kid was sleeping with his best friend, then getting high with them... Yeah I'd be mad too.

He remembered that day, it was his first time. He never felt like that before in his life. It was an amazing feeling for him, he also knew Yuki enjoyed it too. That was around 1 month ago. Kai yawned starting to get more sleepy. He was very comfortable in his bed, his mattress was made of memory foam. He had soft rainbow blankets and sheets. He then fell asleep.

Time skippy next day

Kai had gotten he phone back, he was currently on his way to school. It's Monday, he hates Mondays. "Hey Kai!" Kai turned around when heard a slightly annoying but attractive voice yell at him. Kai turned back around and kept walking to school. "H-hey! Stop ignoring me.." Yuki mumbled, scratching the back of his head. "Sorry." Kai said sarcastically, causing The other to roll his eyes.

Kai was in his second year of high school, since he skipped a year. Yuki was in his first, giving Kai an advantage, also giving him a reason to make fun of him. "So, what did your mom say." Yuki asked playing with his sleeves. "I don't wanna talk about." He gave him a small glare. "Okay, have it your way."

They both were at the entrance of hopes peek high, They were ultimates. Yuki was the ultimate Actress. Fooling everyone with his acting skills, so he uses it for his advantage. Kai, was the ultimate Predict, everything that he said would happen. For example, some girl in his class had a crush on Yuki, Kai told her that I wouldn't work. Do you see Yuki in a relationship? No.

They entered the school, already sick of the place. The halls were filled with chatting and laughter. Gross. Yuki and Kai didn't enjoy loud noises, only in bed. Both of the teens walked to both of their lockers, they were lucky to have lockers next to each other. If you thought was convenient, then I should also tell you they both had the same classes. This annoyed Kai a bit, he didn't like the fact he had to be with Yuki the whole day.

"So, what do you wanna do at lunch? You know since you wanna obey your mom." Yuki spoke up leaning against his locker. "I don't know, you pick... but it better not be anything stupid." He responded. "Okay!" Yuki put his hands together and smiled. 'What a dumb smile.' Kai thought, blushing slightly.

The bell rang, Kai and Yuki walked together to their first class. English. Kai hated every class he had. Yuki personality liked science, he said "one day I'm gonna make a chemical, a chemical to make Kai actually like me and be nice to me for once!" He sounded to confident, he's so dumb. Luckily for Kai Yuki sat in the front of the class, while he sat in the back.

They had old lady for there teacher, I mean aren't all English teachers grandmas? Just me? Okay. Kai didn't pay attention though.

Time skippy cause your author is lazy.

"Come on Kai." Yuki was dragging (literally) Kai, Yuki was running in the direction on the forest. Then he had finally stopped running. "Look!" He smiled pointing at a old tree house that looked like it was gonna break at any given moment. "Trash?" Kai asked clearly annoyed. "No! My old tree house! This where I would go when my parents argued." He said, starting to climb it.

"Wha-! What are you doing!? Your seriously gonna go inside it?" Kai panicked. "Yeah." Yuki kept climbing. "Get down now!" Kai yelled. Yuki was already halfway up the latter. "Your gonna fall!" Kai yelled at him again. "Oh my god why is he so stubborn!" He mumbled. Kai decided to climb it as well. Since Kai was light it wouldn't put to much pressure on the tree.

"Wow, I remember this." Yuki smiled, while Kai was struggling to get inside. "Oh, i didn't expect you to come up here too." Yuki said looking at Kai. Kai looked around, there was nothing really there, just drawings on the walls. A sleeping bag, and some comics. "You used to hang out here?" Kai asked. ""S-shut up, this was all I had.. at least your parents love each other." Yuki mumbled the last part.

Yuki's parents never got along, when he was 7 his mother passed away because of all the stress she reserved all those years. "Oh right sorry." Kai apologized, he knew he hated talking about his parents. "It's alright. It was all in the past, don't they say you should forget about the past?" Yuki smiled. "Okay, can we go now I'm hungry." Kai sighed. "Yeah sure..." Yuki said and started climbing down.

Kai looked down the looked back up terrified. Kai was afraid of heights. "Are you coming!?" Yuki yelled. "Y-yeah!" Kai yelled back. He hesitated but started to climb down the ladder, really fast. Then he skipped a step, causing him to fall. "Shit!" Yuki panicked. Luckily Kai landed in his arms. "Hey are you o-okay?" Yuki asked looking at Kai, he was breathing heavily. "Sorry I forgot your afraid of heights." He mumbled. Kai kept quiet.

They walked to their school. Kai had a tight grip on Yuki's shirt. "Are you okay?" Yuki asked again. "Yeah." He mumbled. "I have a bento in my locker do you want that?" Yuki asked as they got inside the school. "Sure." He responded relaxing his head on Yuki's shoulder. He blushed a little. He grabbed the bento out of his locker and walked back outside.

He walked to a tree where Kai and him would always eat at. Yuki sat down, Kai sat on his lap. "Here." He said and started to feed Kai. "Thanks." He mumbled with food in his mouth. Then Yuki ate some from the same utensil. They sat there and talked until lunch was over.

Hi 👺

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