Chapter 24

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No ones POV

Yuki and Kai took a seat on Kai's bed. It was silent for a moment. "What's that?" Kai asked looking at Yuki's lap, he say the box with rose he had given him years ago. "Oh right, this is uh here just take it!" He handed Kai the box. "Okay." He shrugged it off and opened the box. Kai's eyes sparkled at the sight of the rose. "Oh I remember this." He mumbled picking up the fake rose. "Yeah, I found while o was going threw my stuff." Yuki rubbed the back of his neck.

"I was wondering where it went." Kai looked at Yuki. "I guess I have to give you something too." Kai exclaimed, then he got up and started looking around his room. "Oh you don't have to do that!" Yuki insisted. "No it's fine, I have something for you anyway, I just gotta find it." Kai kneeled down to look underneath the bed. Yuki blushed and looked away.

"Dammit where is it." Kai sat up. He looked over at his shelf that was on the wall where his bed was up against. "Oh it's up there." Kai got up, and got on his bed. He grabbed a small figure of the character Bowser."here." Kai said blankly. "Oh thank you!" Yuki smiled taking the item from the others hand.

"It's nothing I just found it at the at the mall." Kai mumbled. "Well, I love it." Yuki smiled. Kai looked away with a small pink blush on his cheeks. "A-Anyways, what do you wanna do?" Kai asked. "Uh, I'm not sure, what do you wanna do?" Yuki responded. "I don't know that's why I asked you." Kai glared at him slightly making Yuki flinch.

"Uh, tell me about your date!" Yuki suggested. "Fine." Kai sighed. "To be honest, I hated it a lot." "Why is that?" Yuki looked a little concerned. "Well, first his dad stayed and watched us which was weird as hell. Then, the setting was fucking Macdonald's, I mean I'm not complaining I kinda like Macdonald's but still he made a bad impression. I don't think his dad even likes me, he got pretty pissed when he found out I was a boy." Kai spat out.

"Oh." Yuki mumbled. "I don't even like him that much to be honest." Kai kicked his legs slightly. "I'm sorry to here that." Yuki said. "It's fine." Kai played with the bottom of his skirt.
"Hey let's play Mario Kart!" Yuki squeaked getting up and grabbing Kai's Nintendo Switch he had given him not that long ago. "Alright." Kai got up and helped Yuki set up the console.

Time skippy

Kokichi was watching Shuichi work on some detective stuff. Kokichi was quite bored but she liked the embrace she got from him. "Kokichi, do you think it's a good idea to leave Yuki and Kai alone?" Shuichi asked looking up from his computer screen. "They'll be fine." Kokichi then remembered what Kai and Yuki had done in the past. "Maybe I should go check up on them." She got up off of Shuichi's lap and stubbled out the door.

Kokichi went over to Kai's door, that's where she hears some laughing. Kokichi opens the door slightly managing to not get noticed. She say Kai and Yuki playing Mario Kart, but for the first time in like forever Kai was actually enjoying himself. Kokichi covered her mouth in a dramatic way. At the moment Kai was sitting in Yuki's lap both playing on a controller they were smiling.

Kokichi got a quick photo then went back to her and Shuichi's. "Shu look!" Kokichi tapped his shoulder and put her phone in front of his face. "Aren't they cute?" Kokichi smiled. "Yeah." Shuichi yawned. "Do you want to sleep right now?" Kokichi asked putting her phone away. "That sounds nice." Shuichi said softly while smiling.

Kai and Yuki had finished there game of Mario Kart, now what will they do now? Make out- have a nice conversation. "What do you wanna do now?" Kai asked putting his controller down. "Uh, do you wanna play another game? Like animal crossing? Or uh that one bad quality game Sonic racing?" Yuki suggested. "I don't really wanna play anymore games, my thumbs hurt." Kai admitted. "Oh, then do you just wanna watch TV or something?" Yuki was getting a little nervous, he wasn't very sure what Kai wanted to do.

"Sure." Kai agreed. "Ok! Let's finish watching the 2 season of The Promised Neverland." Yuki smiled. Kai hummed, he was quite tired at the moment. "It's on Hulu right?" Yuki asked going threw Kai's TV. "Yeah." He whispered laying down on his pillow. "Or do you just wanna sleep? I can go home." Yuki put there let down and looked at the back of Kai's head.

"I would like to sleep, yes. But I don't want you to leave." Kai stuttered a bit at the last part. "Oh okay." Yuki chuckled nervously. "tell my mom you're staying over." Kai got up, and stumbled to the door. He went over to his parents room and knocked. He waited but got no response. 'I guess they're asleep, I'll just tell them he stayed the night tomorrow.' He thought and walked back to his room.

"So what did they say?" Yuki smiled. "They're asleep. But I'll tell them tomorrow." Kai yawned and hopped into bed, more like hopping on Yuki. "Ow." Yuki mumbled under his breathe. Kai wasn't very heavy and Yuki was used to him on top of him like this. "Don't you wanna change your clothes?" Yuki suggested.

"I really don't feel like it. But fine." Kai grumbled and got up going into his closet grabbing a T-shirt and some shorts. He put them on, he didn't mind changing in front of Yuki. He got back into bed and covered himself with his rainbow blanket with unicorns. Yuki being Yuki just took his shirt and pants off. "Do you want me to sleep on the floor?" Yuki pointed to the carpet where Kai usually sleeps when he stays over.

"No." Kai yanked his arm, making his fall on the bed. "Now sleep." Kai nuzzled his bare chest.  "Yeah okay." Yuki got into the covers and moved a little away from Kai. But Kai was in the mood for a cuddle, so he got closer to him hugging him. Yuki of course was blushing he rarely gets cuddles like this especially from Kai. Then finally they both had fallen asleep.

Hey quick Question which should I do when I get to the point should I:
A. Make Kai and Yuki hover together but then a bunch of crazy and shocking shit happens


B. Kai get together with someone else for 3 years and a bunch of crazy and scary shit happens

This will really help me decide so please respond :P

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