Chapter 48

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Uh idk how to start this chapter off-

No ones POV

Shortly after Minato's funeral, everyone stood in the cement, they were silent for awhile, it was cloudy and rainy outside. Kokichi cradled Kai like a baby, comforting him. Yuki was leaving with his father, everyone was surprised the man actually showed up. But he stayed quiet during the whole time. Kokichi walked over to the tall man, "I-I'm sorry for you loss." She mumbled, the man didn't seem to kind. He was very tall compared to her which we all know Kokichi is short. And he had a menacing glare.

He looked down at her, "Thank you." His voice was soft but deep, and it wasn't as scary as what he seemed to be. "Mhm." She nodded and stood nervously beside him. "Haru, if your wondering my name is Haru." He greeted, though he sounded bored. "Oh um aha-." "I know your name already, the man it's blue hair who I am guessing is your husband told me." He spoke again in a bored tone. Kokichi awkwardly laughed and agreed. She was a little nervous around him, well she rarely knew him so it's normal.

She looked at his features, his hair was white naturally not just because he was in his 40s, and his eyes were yellow, he looked like his sons but with a different color palette. He seemed to be at least 6'6 feet tall, so that's where they get it from. "Could you stop looking at me." He mumbled not looking at Kokichi but at his feet. Kokichi quickly ran away with Saihara. "We should get going home." Kokichi says to him, Shuichi nods.

Yuki stays with his father, the family wave and leave the cemetery. Yuki walks next to Haru, and looks at Minato's grave. "What a shame." Haru said quietly. Then started laughing, "Damn I saw this coming." He chuckles. Yuki awkwardly smiles. "He deserved it, getting shot in the head? Karmas a bitch." Haru pulls out a cigarette. "But maybe he didn't deserve it.." Yuki mumbled. "Shut up." Haru glared. "Look da-Father, he's changed, and that happened years ago." Yuki rubbed the back of his head.

"A psycho is still a psycho, I guess you don't know what he did to your mother." He sighs. "W-What?" Yuki looks up. "He told her to kill herself, your dumbass didn't even catch on." Haru laughs at Yuki, "people don't change, he killed your girlfriend too." Haru stopped laughing. "N-No she killed herself, they both did he has nothing to do with it!." Yuki defended. "You think I'm lying? I figured out myself, you know I used to be a detective." Yuki's heart dropped. "No I don't want to believe that, I-I trusted him! He really changed!" Yuki yelled. "Your as stupid as your mother, fuckin bitch."

He took the cigarette out of his mouth and pressed it against Yuki's forehead. "This fucking family is stupid, I should just get rid of you too." Haru chuckled. "no...." Yuki covered his mouth. "Hell yeah, I hired someone to get rid of him. But I didn't know how exactly they'd kill him." "WHAT THE FUCK." Yuki yelled. "It had to be done." He rolled his eyes. "I THOUGHT YOUR WERE BETTER THAN THIS JACKASS." Yuki cried.

"I LOOKED UP TO YOU, AND THIS IS WHAT YOU DO?" "HE DESERVED IT, WHY ARE YOU DEFENDING HIM? YOU NEVER CARED ABOUT HIM." Haru yelled back. Yuki groaned. "Just shut up I don't want to talk to you." Yuki started walking away, frustrated. "Suck a dick!" Haru yelled at him. Yuki pulled the middle finger, and continued to walk. He knew he should Kai but Yuki was sure he wasn't ready to here it.

He'll tell him tomorrow. Eventually Yuki managed to make it home, he went into his apartment and collapsed on the couch, he still couldn't believe what up his father had told him. He knew Haru can be a dick at times, but this was just terrible, Yuki found it disappointing. Imagine wanting to kill off your family and getting away with it? What the fuck man. Anyways after Yuki had a mental breakdown he went to his bathroom to shower.

Time skippy next day tehe

Yuki called Kai over to have a important discussion with him. Kai was confused but since he was sad and vulnerable he agreed to come over. "Come in." Yuki snatched Kai into his home once Kai knocked on the door, he squealed by the sudden action. "What's wrong Yuki?" Kai asked sitting down on Yuki's couch. "And why is there boxes of tissues everywhere?" Kai looked around curious. "Those are just in cause I make you upset." Yuki awkwardly looked at the tissues. "Why would you upset me?" Kai asked another question.

"Shhh." Yuki placed his gif get on the other boys lips. "I have something very important to tell you okay? Don't over react please." Yuki sat next to him. "What is it?" Kai tilted his head. "Uh." Kai sat patiently, looking around, he seemed sad which made sense. "My Afther hired someone to kill Minato and I don't know how you would feel about that but it's to late cause I just told you please don't start crying hold it in cause I'm not mentally prepared to comfort you." Yuki spat out at Kai.

Though Kai seemed fine, but in the inside he wasn't. "Are you okay?" Yuki whispered getting closer to him. He shook his head. "Shhh I'm sorry, this is my fault I'm a dumbass I suck, I shouldn't have told you..." He hugged Kai. "I-I'm okay, just.." Kai mumbled, "You can cry it's okay ah forget what I said." "How can I! You just told me who murdered the person I love!" Kai cried pushing himself off of the other. He curled up into a ball on the edge of the couch and cried. Yuki felt guilty and stupid.

He slapped himself. "Why at you doing that?" Kai sniffed. "Cause I deserve it." Yuki stopped. Kai looked down, "This is stupid." He says. "Yeah.." Yuki agreed. "Was that all you needed me for?" Kai asked. "Yeah, you're free to go home now." Yuki sighed holding his hand towards the door. Kai moved a little closer to Yuki. "I'd like to stay a little longer, maybe 2 hours? It just depends on how long you're gonna do me." ".....What...?" Yuki had a blank face.

Lol you can guess what thy did next-

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