Chapter 22

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More art by wellh8der 

No ones POV

Next day 🦧

Kai was laying on his bed on his bed. He was on his phone playing games. Then he was interrupted by Yuki giving him a notification. Kai rolls his eyes and opens the message. It was Yuki smiling holding a Nintendo switch box, he had finally gotten one. The text said 'look Kai! I got one! I also got you one too so we can play together! :D' Kai smiled at the text and just replied with a ':)' after he turned his phone off.

Kai then grabs his hello kitty plush, bringing it close to his chest. He was about to take a nap, but he had gotten another text message from Yuki.

Useless Yuki .-.

Yuki: hey I'm coming over.

Kai: what? No stay home.

Yuki: why? I wanna come over I can just sneak in 🤷‍♂️

Kai: I don't feel like dealing with you right now.

Yuki: Too late I'm almost there!

Kai: no

Kai looked up at his window to see an idiot knocking on the glass. "Dammit Yuki." He mumbled under his breath. The shorter one got up and opened to window, he shivered a bit at the cold air hitting him. "Hi." Yuki smiled, "I told you to stay home!" Kai yelled in a whisper clearly annoyed. "I don't wanna stay home, it's boring!" Yuki admitted with a pout. "I don't care." Kai was about to close the window on the others fingers.

But Yuki climbed inside, tripping a bit on the way. "Oh my god." Kai whispered, face palming. "Why are you so mad?" Yuki asked. "Because I don't want you here." He responded coldly. "Well, too late, Oh here." He smiled pulling a box out of his backpack. He had a big stupid smile on his face. "I told you I bought you one too! Come on take it, my arms are hurting.." He handed the box that provided a Nintendo switch and other materials needed.

"Thanks." He mumbled taking the box and placing it on his bed. "Are your parents home?" Yuki asked as he skipped to the door, puts his ear on the wood. "No." Kai responded. "Cool!" He smiled turning back around. "My mom said I can't have anyone over, you can't stay to long alright." Kai explained, Yuki nodded. "So, do you want me to help you set it up?" Yuki asked taking a seat on Kai's bed.

"Fine." He agreed, sitting next to him. "Okay!" Yuki cheered. They unboxed the game console. Then started it set up. "Okay done!" Yuki smiled. "Okay, thanks. Can you leave now? My parents are coming home in 30 minutes." Kai asked glancing over to him. "Oh, okay." Yuki mumbled in disappointment. He didn't want to leave yet. "Wait, before I leave can we be friends on the switch?" He asked.

"Okay." Kai answered. "Yay!" He grabbed his own switch and accepted Kai's friend request. "Alright it's don- hey who's that?" Yuki asked pointing to Kai phone that light up, with the name Toshi. "No one." Kai said picking up his phone. Yuki was trying to take a peek at what he was typing. "Will you stop being nosy?" Kai glared a Yuki. "I will once you tell who you're talking to! You know I have trust issues.." Yuki mumbled.

"It's some cute guy at school okay, he wants to go on a date Friday." Kai explained turning off his phone. "D-date?" Yuki paused. "Yeah, something wrong?" Kai asked laying down on his pillow. "No nothing..." Yuki felt his nose start to bleed. (I forgot to mention, when Yuki's upset his nose starts to bleed lol) He brought his sleeve to his nose and held it there. "I-I'm gonna go home now see you tomorrow." Yuki said putting his stuff back in his backpack and getting up.

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