Chapter 35

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No ones POV

Kai was bored as Nagito ranted about hope. Hajime was talking with Kokichi and Shuichi. Kai was about to fall asleep at this point. "Kai!" Kokichi yelled. Kai sat up. "Yeah." He mumbled with rubbing his eyes. "Let's go for a walk you need to go outside more." Kokichi smiled. "Okay." He nodded. "I'm gonna get my shoes." Kai mumbled and walked to his room. He opened the door and saw the Minato was asleep in his bed. 'I thought I told him to go in his room..' Kai thought to himself. "Min." Kai whispered shaking the taller one. "N..o." Minato grumbled in his sleep. "Wake up." Kai smacked the black haired boy. "Owie!" Whispered Minato.

"Sorry, but you need to back in the room." Kai said. "Okay sorry I left I got bored, also because I wanted to smell your bedsheets." He smiled. Causing Kai to blush. "M-My parents want me to go on a walk with them, you can explore the house just don't break anything." Kai mumbled, Minato nodded. Kai walked over to his closet and put his shoes on. "Have fun." Minato smiled and waved as Kai walked out the bedroom door. Kai walked over to to his parents and uncles. "You ready to go?" Shuichi asked as he ruffled Kai's hair. "Yes." Kai said in a annoyed tone, grabbing Shuichi's arm away.

"Let's go!" Kokichi and Nagito both yelled and went out the door. Shuichi, Kai and Hajime followed behind. "Bird!" Nagito yelled and ran after it. "Where did Nagito go?" Hajime asked looking around. "He found a bird and went to go follow it." Kai explained. "Oh, I hope he doesn't go far." Hajime rubbed his head. "Hinata-Kun look! The bird thought my hair was a nest." Nagito laughed as he walked by the group. "Nagito! It's eating worms in your hair!" Hajime yelled. "Yeah, isn't that great!" Nagito smiled. Hajime shook his head and scared the bird away. "Aw Hajime!" Nagito whined. "You have bits of worm in your hair." Hajime covered his mouth. "Ew." Kai hid behind Shuichi.

With epic Minato

Minato left Kai's room and looked around, Mochi followed behind him. "Wow, this house is big." Minato thought. He walked around. He looked in the living room, the kitchen, the bathroom and closets. "I'm hungry." He mumbled and walked over to the kitchen. Mochi stumbled behind him, the dog was keeping an eye on him. Minato bent down and pet the dog. "Okay, let's see." He looked around, then walked to the pantry. "Hm." Minato put his thumb on his chin. "Woof." Mochi barked. "What is it?" Minato asked. "Woof." The dog repeated. "Sorry I don't speak dog." Minato frowned.

"Maybe I should check the fridge." Minato thought out loud. He opened the fridge and saw a pack of lunchables, "Wow! I can't remember the last time I had these!" Minato smiled. He grabbed it then went back into Kai's room. But he stopped at a family photo. "This must be Kai's parents." Minato said. "Wow no wonder he's so cute." He giggled the kept walking to Kai's room. Mochi followed because he liked the attention Minato gave him.

"Okay Moch Moch, let's do something together." Minato smiled at the dog. "Woof." Mochi barked. "Hey! Look it's Kai's phone!" Minato smiled. "He left it here for me to use but I decided not too." Minato sighed. "Let's look through it! Maybe I can call Yuki." Minato mischievously laughed. He typed in the password Kai left him, the back was just a picture of an anime character shirtless, Minato shook his head and kept looking. "Kai seems to like fit men, I'm not very fit.." Minato frowned.

"Bark bark." Mochi barked at Minato shaking up his head. "Okay let's look through his photos." Minato smiled (okay when I mean Minato smiled I'm mean like this ":>" just to clarify) "oh...uh...OH MY GOD-." Minato panicked and clicked of the photos app. "Maybe that wasn't the best decision." Minato rubbed his head. "Does he have games on his phone?" He perked up. "No, just YouTube and a therapist app." Minato rubbed his chin with his index finger. "Hey let's call Yuki, I'll pretend I'm Kai!" Minato creepily smiled and looked through Kai's went through the contacts.

"Found him, I hope he answers." Minato grumbled. He called Yuki and put the phone against his ear wait for him to respond. He coughed a bit to get the exact same voice as Kai. "Kai?" Yuki picked up. Minato giggled. "Hey Yuki." Minato greeted. "Hi? Are you okay? I thought after your incident and the break up you wouldn't wanna talk to me.." Yuki mumbled. 'I know Kai went to the hospital because of his attempt at suicide, so I just go along with that.. no I have a better plan.' Minato thought.

"Well, I just wanted to say hi, also I kinda forgot about the break up your fine." Minato said. "Oh okay, how are you feeling?" Yuki asked. "I'm doing better, Hey why haven't you told me you had a brother?" Minato smiled. "Wait w-what? You know about him?" Yuki sounded a bit confused and concerned. "Yeah, he was at my window, to be honest he looks a lot more attractive then you." Minato devilishly smiled. "Wha- What do you mean he was at your window!?" Yuki seemed more confused.

"Like I said he was just there, he told me that he needed a place to stay so I let him in. He seems nice~." Minato cooed. "What! He's the exact opposite of NICE, he crazy!" Yuki said. "Well too bad, he told me the things he did, and he said sorry." Minato explained. "But still! Has he hurt you or anything?" Yuki frowned from the other side. "No! He would never hurt me, he very kind and sweet he hasn't done anything but be cooperative." Minato rolled his eyes started to get bored of the conversation.

"Fine, hey and what did you mean he more attractive than me?" Yuki asked sounding a little upset. "I said what I said it's no lie, I'd let him to anything to me with a body like that." Minato giggled moving the phone away from him. "HUH-." "And he has a nice dick too it's bigger than yours." Minato bragged. "K-KAI!" "Hush I'm not done, he a lot more cooler than you, your kinda lame and boring." Minato mumbled. "That's it I'm coming over." Yuki said then hung up.

"WAIT HES COMING OVER!?" Minato panicked. "Welp, I'm screwed." Minato accepted his fate. Then he heard the front door open, he peeked through the crack of the door. "It's just Kai's family and him." Minato sighed and went into the small room. "Hey Minato." Kai walked through the door. "Oh hi.." Minato smiled awkwardly. "Something wrong?" Kai asked. "Uh well I prank called Yuki pretending I was you and told him about be staying here and I got carried away and told him that you think I'm attractive and you would sleep with me, and um uh, he's coming over." "HE WHAT." Kai yelled. "Oh my god Minato you complete idiot." Kai rubbed his temples.

"I'm sorry! I'll do anything!" Minato cried. "It's fine, I'll just talk to him and explain." Kai glared. "Okay okay!" Minato awkwardly laughed. "What all this noise?" Nagito walked into the room. Minato panicked and closed the closet door. "Hey Uncle Toe." Kai smiled. "Whose that?" Nagito asked pointing to the closet. "No one.." Kai mumbled. "No that's somebody, lies never bring hope, I told you mom that once no wonder she was so lonely in high school." Nagito shook his head. "Now who are you!" Nagito opened the doors. "Uh my name is Minato Nakamura. Im a 20 year old man and I just need a place to stay." Minato smiled.

"Aw he's so precious, I wanna keep him." Nagito smiled. "That would be nice sir but I already have a father that I don't care for." Minato said. Nagito picked up Minato and ran out the room. "GUYS LOOK ITS KAIS BOYFRIEND." Nagito yelled. "HUH?" Kai panicked. "I'm not Kai's boyfriend more like an acquaintance, but I would like to be his boyfriend but I only met him a yesterday night." Minato said. "I do not care, the world must know about you, you are the symbol of hope my boy." Nagitos eyes sparkled. "I'm really not-." "GUYS LOOK KAIS BOYFRIEND IS THE SYMBOL OF HOPE!" Nagito yelled again.

"He's not my boyfriend!" Kai yelled back. "What's Nagito yelling about now?" Kokichi asked in the other room. "I don't know he said something about Kai's boyfriend." Hajime shrugged. "Kai's not in a relationship anymore... BOYFRIEND!?" Kokichi jumped up and ran into the room. "Oh hey Kokichi! Look I found the symbol of hope! It's Kai's boyfriend!" Nagito smiled. "Again sir I'm not Kai's boyfriend." Minato protested. "Hush, isn't he precious?" Nagito smiled. "Oh yeah." Kokichi agreed. "He's not my boyfriend stop that!" Kai yelled. "I mean I wouldn't mind if he became my son in law." Kokichi admitted.

"Oh my god.." Kai covered his face. "I think we're making Kai upset we should stop." Minato pointed out. "Where'd you even come from anyway?" Kokichi asked getting suspicious. "Well I just needed a place to stay and saw this house so I climb through a window and found Kai so he let me stay." Minato smiled (:>) Then Shuichi walked in. "Hey what are you guys doing?" He asked. "Nothing!" Kai groaned. "What the hell are you Yuki?" Shuichi asked Minato. "No I'm his brother Minato Nakamura." Minato introduced himself. "Are you his twin brother?" Shu asked another question. "No, I'm 2 years older than him." Minato smiled. "Hey Kai maybe you should marry him." Shuichi said to Kai. "What-."

Then the doorbell rang


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