Chapter 18

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No one's POV

It was the fifth day of school for Kai, he doesn't like it. But he still goes for his friend Yuki, well I mean he has to go to school or Shuichi and Kokichi would have to go to jail for not bringing their child to school. Anyways out of topic, it was recess and Kai was playing with rocks. Then his little friend stumbled over to him. "H-hi Kai.." He stuttered as always.

"Hello Yuki." He greeted back. Yuki then sat next to Kai, and watched him pick up rocks. "Here." Kai gave him a black rock that was covered in sand. "T-thank you.." Yuki took the rock and put it in his pocket. "It reminds me of you, because you wear black all the time." He mumbled. Yuki nods and looks around the pile of rocks Kai had.

He then spotted a gray rock with black speckles on it. "T-this one r-reminds me of y-you on the first d-day of school." He whispered handing him the rock. Of course Yuki was trying to find one, that was purple like his hair, but that kind of rock didn't exist in a school playground. "Thanks." He smiled taking the rock from Yuki's hand.

They sat there chatting about rocks. Kai found this fun, Yuki found it boring. They were total opposites. But they still found a way to make it fun for both. They were such good little kids.

Well were.

They're teenagers now, you never know what's going on in their minds. They could be plotting to kill you or to end the world as we know it. But these two were different. They didn't think about killing well maybe Kai... but they had other things on their mind. Like, what gift to get each other for a random day. Or filling each other with pleasure.

They're friends, but with benefits. Anyways, today was one of those days where Shuichi had work until 9pm. Kokichi would sleep on these days, clean the house or talk to Kai when she felt lonely. But today Kai wasn't home, but with Yuki. So Kokichi felt even more lonely now that no one was at home to entertain her. She hates that feeling.

Right now she was searching for their dog Mochi, they had adopted when Kai was ten. He's a good support, he might not understand what you're saying but he sniffs you to make you feel better. As you can tell Kokichi loves Mochi, not as much as she loves Shuichi though. Mochi was a pekingese dog (I have a dog like this I love him he has like 6 more years to live maybe even shorter) Kokichi was the one to pick out the dog.

She found him cute and durpy, Mochi was white and had brown on the tips of his ears. His tail and paws were also brown. Despite looking like ryuk from death note, Mochi was very cute in Kokichi's opinion. Kai also loved the dog. Shuichi... He was alright with him. "Mochi!" Kokichi squeaked, she had finally found the dog.

He was under the dining room table eating his squeaky toy. Kokichi picked him up and walked to the couch. "Mochi I was looking all over for you!" She explained to the dog who was sniffing her. Kokichi smelled like lavender and grapes a very nice sent. Kokichi sat down on the couch with dog still in her arms. "Wroof!" He barked a high squeaky bark wanting to be on the couch next to her.

Of course the dog was clean, Shuichi would have to remind her to bath him when he started to smell unpleasant. Kokichi set him down next to her. "Mochi's so cute!" Kokichi started to pet the dog, Mochi was 6 years old in human years so he's 42 in dog years. Kokichi took out her phone from her pocket, she had a message from Kai.

I gave birth to this one 🙊✨

Kai: Mom, I'm gonna come home a little late.

Kokichi: Okay, just whatever you do no drugs, alcohol, smoking or sex.

Kai: What?

Kokichi: I'm not stupid Kai! I over heard you talking to Yuki the other day talking about things I shouldn't say in a text message.

Kai: fine you got me, just don't tell dad

Kokichi: I won't, but you know better your only 15 don't make me have to hurt you.

Kai: okay..

Kokichi: when you get home you have to wash the dishes, then clean Mochi.

Kai: but you cleaned him 2 days ago!

Kokichi: doesn't matter. Be home by 7

Kai: fine.

*chat ended*

Kai put his phone down and sighs. "What's wrong?" He heard a slightly annoying but attractive voice talk to him. "My mom found out." Kai explained. "Ohhh." Yuki realized, if Shuichi found out then Kai would no longer get to see him again. "Well it was nice knowing you." He said getting up. "Where the hell are you going?" Kai yanked Yuki's arm, causing him to fall back on the bench

They were currently at the park talking about dumb stuff. They would go there to have alone time or to smoke, even both. Today they were just there to chill. "He's not gonna find out, as long as my mom doesn't tell and we keep this low then we should be fine." He blurted. "Fine." Yuki mumbled, sitting upwards on the bench.

"Sooo, what are you gonna do if your dad finds out?" Yuki spoke up, looking over at Kai. "Sneak out." He answered. "Awww! Do you really love me that much!? That's the sweetest thing you've ever said to me-." "Can you shut the hell up?" Kai interrupted him. "Yeah okay..." Yuki mumbled lowering his head.

Kai scrolled through his phone, Yuki tried to get a peak at what he was looking at. But Kai smacked him with his phone. Kai looked at the time. "6:49 already? Great." He mumbled getting up and putting his phone in his pocket. Then he walked away. "Uh bye?" Yuki yelled at Kai, Yuki was used to him doing that. So he shrugged and got on his phone.

Time skippy

Kai opens the door to his home, he sees his mother and Mochi on the couch. Mochi had Shuichis old emo hat. While Kokichi was petting him. She turns to him. "Hello Kai." She blurted, then turned her attention back to the dog. "Hi" He mumbled, then started walking to his room, before his Kokichi stopped him. "Kai come sit." She patted a seat next to her on the couch.

He sighs and stumbled over to where his mom wanted him. "I just wanna talk." She smiled tilting her head a bit. "About what?" He questioned, clearly knowing what she wanted. "About what you've been doing with your 'friend'." She said. "You know that your young and shouldn't be doing things like that! So why?" She questioned the teen.

"For my own pleasure." He said normally. "I'll tell your father if you keep it up!" She yelled, gently slapping him on the check. "Now go do the dishes like I told you!" She was clearly flustered at her son, she was even disappointed. Kai lowered his head in shame. He got up and went to the kitchen to do what his mother wanted.

Heyy, I hope u all are having a good day 👅

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