How Kai learned about uh Adult interactions

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This is a mini story of how Kai learned about adult content:> (Lmao I don't know why I won't say "sex")

Kai's POV he just turned 7

'I wonder what mama and dada are doing.' I thought to myself, with curiosity I left my room and went into the living room. I saw mama and dada sleeping on the couch. "Wow is the movie they're watching that boring?" I mumbled. I waddled over to the remote so I could turn the TV off. But I looked at the TV because a woman was making weird noises. I saw a man and a woman in bed with no clothes on. 'Why is mama and dada watching naked people?' I asked myself.

I continued watching the TV. The woman was screaming for some reason, and the man was behind her doing something. I don't know what their doing, is she in pain? Mama woke up, she looked the TV for a second. Then she looked at me, immediately she went blue and got up from the couch to turn the TV off. "K-Kai! I thought I told you to stay in your room!" She panicked. "I got bored." I answer. "Then I saw the TV and got distracted, mama I have an important question." I ask she looks at me for a mommy before replying, "What's your question?" She sighed.

"What were those people on the TV doing?" I innocently asked with a emotionless face. "Nothing a 7 year old should know about, you'll know when your older." She responded. "Now it's late and you have school tomorrow." Mama grabbed my hand gently and escorted me to my room. She told me to put my pajamas on and brush my teeth. So obeyed and did so. Once I finished she tucked me in and said goodnight. Then she left me alone in my room to sleep.

But I can't get one thing off my mind. What were they doing on TV?

We're they:

A. Wrestling

B. Doing yoga

Or C. Fighting

I'm gonna guess some of my hypothesis's are incorrect, but I am determined to find out. But I'll figure it out tomorrow. Maybe, Yuki knows the answer. He's kinda smart, Kinda. He gets exposed to a lot of things so maybe. He very tall maybe I should ask him that too tomorrow. I'm sleepy now, my eyes lids are getting heavy.

Time skippy

Dada just dropped me off at school, I sit down at my desk and wait for Yuki to come arrive to class. 'What's taking him so long?' I frown, class was about to start. My teacher said we're learning about multiplications and Division problems. I know how to do that, dada taught me early he said 'so you can be ready for you future and impress a lot of people.' I guess it's okay advise, but still. I don't care about impressing people.

Finally I saw Yuki walk into the classroom. He looked a little upset. "Hello Yuki-Chan." I greeted, I gave him that nickname because I like the flustered expression he makes. "H-Hi Kai." He greeted back. Is an the boy to see if there's something wrong. "Did your parents argue again?" I asked. "Mhm..." He responded. "Well at lunch I have a very important question to ask you." I say. "O-Okay." He mumbled.

After class it was lunch time, I got up and waddled in the line of students. Some kids in the front were arguing about who should be the line leader, I don't see what's so special about it.
Anyways, we made it into the lunch room, I sit down at the edge of the lunch table away from the other kids, I bring my own food because mama doesn't want me to eat school food. It's gross anyways. I wait for Yuki to come, he has to eat school lunch because his parents don't really care about him. I feel bad.

"Hi Kai." Yuki sat next to me with a tray of food. A ham and cheese sandwich with carrots. "Hello." I smile. "What were you gonna ask me?" Yuki looked up brushing his hair with his hands. "Well Yuki-Chan, last night I saw a woman and a man doing something on the TV, my mother said I shouldn't know because I'm young but I don't really care." I say. "Well, what were they doing?" Yuki-Chan asked. "They weren't wearing any clothes and the woman was making a lot of noise." I explain.

"I don't know." He responded with a sad tone. "Really? I thought you would know." I said in a disappointed tone. "I'm sorry, I'm young too I'm not sure." He frowned. "Anyways, why are you so tall?" I asked another question. "Because my fathers very tall. He's 6.7 I think." Yuki responded. "Wow that really tall, my moms short she's 5.1 and my dads 5.7." I say. "My moms 6 foot." Yuki brags. "Shut up!" I smacked him in the head. "Kai Saihara! Keep your hands to yourself!" The teacher yelled at me.

"Sorry." I mumbled. I looked at Yuki who seemed fine. "Sorry Yuki-Chan." I apologize. "You're fine, I'm okay." He smiled softly, "You're really weak so it didn't hurt." He smirked. I look away, he can be mean sometimes when he acts like that, it's usually how he normally acts when he doesn't put on his shy boy act.

Time skippy

Dada picked me up from school and I was playing game so dada's phone. 'Wait a minute, why don't I just look it up? Dada's such an idiot that he taught me how to google stuff. But I still don't know what they were doing so it won't be to much help... Wait-.' I go on dada's google and search up naked people in bed. Maybe this will help. I scroll through the images and saw some pretty traumatizing stuff. I look at some description, sex? Is that it? I look up the definition of sex.

"sexual activity, including specifically sexual intercourse." I mumbled. "What did you say Kai?" Mama asked. "Nothing, just talking to myself." I look away. She took a peek at the phone the snatched it form me. "Kai! What are you doing looking up sex!" She yelled at me. "I got curious." I responded. She glared at me. "Your to young Kai, you'll learn about this eventually!" She furrowed her eyebrows. "I'm sorry." I apologized. "It's fine, now go to your room." She pointed to my room door.

Got up from the couch and waddled to my room and sat on my bed.

Hello, goodbye

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