Chapter 21

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I decided to draw Kai and Yuki, I'm gonna draw a full photo of Yuki one day 🥱

No ones POV

Kokichi and Shuichi stood there in shock. Rantaro Amami. They haven't seen him in years. Kokichi would try to get in touch with him but he never responded her calls or text messages. That made her think he never wanted to talk to her again. Shuichi, Shuichi just forgot about him. It took Rantaro a moment to recognize the faces. "Shuichi?" He spat out.

Kai was dumbfounded, he didn't know what was going on. He doesn't remember his parents mentioning about this man. So he pick pocketed Shuichi's wallet and walked away while they didn't notice. "Rantaro!" Kokichi shouted, and hugged the tall green haired man. "It's been so long! Why haven't you called me!?" Kokichi pouted. "Oh, I'm sorry for ignoring your texts." He whispered. Shuichi walked up to them.

He places his hand on Rantaro's shoulder. "I-I'm sorry Amami.." He confessed. "For what?" Rantaro was confused. "Dummy Shuichi he might not remember, don't bring it up." Kokichi whispered in the blue haired males ear. "Oh never mind." He covered up the words he said before. "Is it about the whole baby thing? It's fine, I got over it a long time ago. I found someone else." He reassured the two.

"Really? Who is it." Shuichi asked in curiosity. "Oh uh you know Shinguji? Yeah." He blushed softly. "Wow congrats!" Kokichi smiled. "Oh thanks, by the way? Where's the kid? I thought I saw him." Rantaro asked. "Kai he's-, hey where is he?" Shuichi asked turned around for the boy. "Oh no Shu he ran away! Why does this always happen? We go out somewhere and he always ends up disappearing!" Kokichi grunted.

"Oh aha." Rantaro laughed a bit. "I'll go look for him, I think he took my wallet." Shuichi sighed walking off and waved. "Hey! Go check Spencer's! He's always at the back of the store!" Kokichi told Shuichi. "Why would he be at the back of the store?" Shuichi asked kinda concerned. "I don't know ask him if you find him." Kokichi shoved him out of the store. "Good luck!" She waved. "Shouldn't you help?" Rantaro asked.

"Oh yeah, I would check the bathrooms if he found one of his friends, but I can't go in there. I'm a girl for some reason the stupid author made me a girl." She pouted (BREAKING THE 4TH WALL I SEE!?). "A-author? Wha?" Rantaro questioned. "Never mind that." Kokichi said. "I'll go look for him bye!" She smiled and ran away. Kokichi looked around and decided to go to the food court. Not for her, well maybe she'll by herself some fries.

Kai was walking around the mall, not very sure where to go. Until a little boy walked up to him. "Hello." The boy said. "What do you want kid?" Kai wasn't very good with kids. If they got on his nerves he would end up throwing them across the room- I mean that's not true at all. "What's your name?" The boy said. "None of your business, now leave me alone." Kai started to walk away. "Wait." The little boy followed Kai.

"No." Kai glared at the boy. "But-." The little boy was cut of by Kai picking him up and placing him in a indoor playground. He scoffed at the kid and walked away. Kai really didn't care if he just separated the boy from his parents or something, he just wanted it far away from him. He decided to go to Victoria's Secret. His personal reasons, only to impress Yuki or something.

Shuichi was wandering around the mall in all the stores he'd think Kai would go to, but no luck. Come on Shuichi you're a detective think. And I better hurry, I hope he doesn't spend too much money.. He walked around when a little boy said something to him. "Hi." The little boy in the indoor playground said. "Uh yes? Where are your parents?" Shuichi asked. "I don't know, I asked a boy with light indigo hair and one purple and one kinda green and gold eye, but he put me in this unsanitary playground."

"Wait, tell me where that kid went and I'll help you find your parents." Shuichi made a deal with the kid. "Okay, he went into that store where sluts go." He pointed at the Victoria's Secret. "Oh." Shuichi's voice dropped. "We'll come on I'll help you find your parents now." Shuichi said picking up the kid and bringing him to a mall security guard, explaining to them about the child had lost his parents.

Then Shuichi left and went into the store that the kid told him where Kai went in. He saw his kid walk away from the register, meaning that he'd already purchased his things. Kai had a small smile on his face, which quickly disappeared when he saw his dad. "Kai!" Shuichi sprinted toward him. "Oh h-hey dad.." he said nervously. "Shh, we'll talk later now come on. I wanna get out of here quick." He mumbled the last part.

Shuichi grabbed Kai's wrist and walked out of the store. "Why were you in there?" Shuichi glared. "I- wait how'd you know I was in there?" Kai asked. "Oh, well some kid told me that you went in there after he said you put him in a indoor playground." Shuichi sarcastically explained. "I put that brat in there because kids get on my nerves!" "He was going to ask you for help! He lost his parents." "He didn't say that! He was asking me dumb and unnecessary questions." Kai said.

"Alright, now tell me why you were in a woman's lingerie store?" Shuichi repeated his first question. "Wel-." "There you guys are!" Kokichi cut off Kai. "Yay you found him!" Kokichi smiled. "Okay well let's go." Kokichi dragged both of them back to where they were originally at. "Hey we're back!" Kokichi smiled at Amami, he had closed the store for now. "Oh hey." He smiled back. "Mom who is this?" Kai asked still skeptical about the situation.

"Oh right I never told you about him, well this is Rantaro. He's my ex boyfriend and your mistaken father." Kokichi introduced him. "Oh. Hi." He waved. "Hello there." He waved back.

Time skippy

Shuichi, Kokichi and Kai were in the car driving home. Kai was in the back, he had remembered when he entered the store some guy around his age (who Kai found attractive) gave him his number. Kai smiled and crossed his legs, and went through his phone. Kai had only his mom, dad and Yuki's phone numbers since he was quite lonely. He didn't have any friends only Yuki, so it would be nice to talk to someone else.

At first he hesitated on putting a random person's phone number in his contacts, but he didn't care. Well this person wasn't random they went out to the same school together so that's good I guess. "Hey Kai, are you gonna continue explaining to me why you were in Victoria's Secret?" Shuichi spoke up, Kokichi looked up and turned her head to Kai. "You went to Victoria's Secret?" She asked. "Well uh." "Just tell us when we get home." Shuichi mumbled.

Kai sighed, until he had gotten a text message from that boy. This might go well.

😱 Will Kai get a boyfriend and make Yuki jealous because he's so dense like his dad!? Oh shit I gave it away..

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