Chapter 26

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Yuki's POV

Me and Kai had gotten together a week ago, He's been more clingy and shy it's so cute! He's like a tsundere he's so adorable. Me and Kai just got finished burning down some old train in the woods. "Look what I found." Kai ran up to and showed me a ring. "It was in the train before we burnt it." Kai mumbled. "Pretty." I say. "Yeah but it's kinda damaged." Kai pointed out. "We should bring it to a jewelry store to see how much it costs." I suggested.

"I kinda don't wanna." He looked away. "Why not? It could cost a lot of money." I said. "Yeah I guess, you should keep the money I don't need it." Kai shrugged. "Okay." I had forgotten that Kai was pretty wealthy. His father had been saving up his detective money he doesn't waste it on useless things. I believe they have a total of 5 million dollars. I heard he's gonna get a big check when he's finished with his mission that he's doing right now. Of course my dad could never get a good job like that, he's such a lazy asshole.

"I'll wait to trade this ring." I say. "Alright." Kai and I walked back to his house. Kai held my hand the way there. His hands are cold. His mom greeted us and we greeted back. We won't into his room and his dog Mochi followed us. "I'm gonna change." Kai said going through his closet. "Here put this on, you smell like burnt metal." Kai exclaimed handing me clothes I had given him.

"Thanks." I say and get dressed. I didn't mind changing in front of Kai but his dog was staring at me. His big pitch black eyes. I shivered. "Arf." Mochi grabbed our clothes and ran out the door. "Shit! Get the dog!" Kai yelled. I grabbed the dog before he could escape. "You little bitch, what are you trying to do Huh? Snitch on me?" Kai glared at the dog who started whining in annoyance. Kai took the dog from my hands and sat down on his bed.

I chuckled and sat next to Kai. I swear it looked like that dog smirked at me. "Grr." Mochi growled at me. "Hehe he doesn't like you." Kai chuckled. "I know that dog never liked me." I sigh. Kai smiled and patted me on the head. Causing Mochi to whine. "Is Mochi jealous? Aw you know you're my favorite!" Kai was literally baby talking to the dog.

"Okay now go." Kai let go of the dog that ran out the door. But he looked at me the left. Stupid dog. "He's just a dog." Kai rolled his eyes, I looked at him. "He's giving me attitude!" I confessed. "I know that but he's still a dog it's not like I'm gonna replace you with a damn dog." He rolled his eyes. "Anyways. I'm gonna get a cookie." Kai got up the turned to me. "Do you want something?" He asked me. "Water." I replied he nodded and walked out of the room.

Kai came back and handed me a glass water as he sipped a cup of milk with his hand full of cookies. "Thank you!" I smiled. "No problem." He sat down next to me. "What do you wanna do now?" I asked. "I don't know." Kai dipped on of his cookies in his milk. "Let's just watch TV." Kai got up and sat on on my lap taking another Piet out of his cookie. "Okay." I smiled and turned the TV.

Time skippy

No ones POV

Yuki and Kai were at school Kai was telling Yuki to hold his hand but the other refused. "Come on just hold my hand." Kai glared at Yuki. "I would but, we're at school what if peopl-." "If someone judges us I'll just kick them now hold my hand." Kai held his hand out for Yuki to grab, he finally did then they walked to school together. "Do you just not want to show people that we're together?" Kai asked making a sad face. "What no!" Yuki protested.

"I just don't want people spreading rumors or making fun of us." Yuki admitted. Kai looked at him. "Don't be scared to show me off to other people okay, and hold my hand at all time." Kai demanded. "Alright I promise." Yuki said. "And, if you cheat on me I won't hesitate on slapping you across the face, if I ever end up cheating on you, you can do the same." Kai whispered the last part. "But the doesn't mean I'll cheat on you okay?" Kai held my hand pretty tightly. "Pinky promise?" Yuki asked putting his pinky finger out.

"Pinky promise." Kai and Yuki's fingers came together. "Come on let's go." Kai hugged Yuki's arm and started walked.

Time skippy 3 years later 😩

Kai and Yuki had been dating for over 3 years now, everything was going great! They were both in college now, turns out Yuki was smarter than he seemed so they skipped him a year ahead. Both are in their first year. Kai still lived with his parents while Yuki moved into his own apartment, he would ask Kai to live with him but Kai said he wanted to stay with parents. He cares for them.

In class, chemistry, they were assigned with partners of course the teachers picked them. Kai rolled his eyes and waited for the man to say his name with the person he chose to partner up with him. "Kai Saihara, with Daichi Sato." The teacher said. Kai groaned and looked around for 'Daichi', Kai didn't know him so it didn't help looking around. Also this was the only class that Yuki wasn't in with Kai.

"Are you Kai?" A mello monotone voice asked. Kai looked at the hand that tapped on his desk. The guy had long skinny fingers they looked boney. "Yea." Kai looked up and saw a boy who was the average height, long brown hair that went to his shoulders and pale skin. Pretty pink eyes, he has pretty bad eye bags though. 'He does not look like his name is Daichi, eh' Kai thought to himself and shrugged. "May I sit?" He asked pointing to the open set. "Sure." Kai looked the other way not really caring.

The other took a seat. They listened as the Professor explained what to do. (Lmao I'm clearly not in college so I don't know what to put for a chemistry project, heck I'm in middle school 💀) Kai sow he felt something touch his thigh. He ignored it and kept his eyes on the teacher. Then he said something about having their partner over at one of their houses to work on it. Kai rolled his eyes.

Class ended shortly after that was his last class for the day, also it turns out Yuki got detention for yelling 'I'm gay for handsome squidward' so Kai had to walk home alone today. He got startled when he felt a cold hand on his shoulder. "Oh sorry did I startle you? I'm from Chemistry class and I was wondering if we could work on the project." He explained.

"Sure that's fine." Kai continued walking. "Are we going to you house?" Daichi asked. "Yes." Kai kept walking. Daichi smiled. No more like a mischievous grin.

I kinda want ice cream :O

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