Chapter 44

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No ones POV

Large time skippy 2 years later

Minato was wandering around the house, as Kai, Kokichi and Shuichi were out. He was alone with Mochi. "Moch Moch!" He yells. "Woof!" The dog barked as he chased Minato in the halls. Minato sat down, "Hey Moch Moch, I have a questions I need to ask you." The dog perked up and barked. "Do you think I should ask Kai out on a date?" He asked. "Bark." Mochi rolled on his stomach. "Really? You think I should? Okay I'll do it!" Minato smiled proudly.

"Cause I love him so much." Minato hugged himself. "Woof." Mochi barked. "I'll wait for him to get back home, then ask him. He went out with Mrs. Ouma to the store, she wanted more Panta." Minato mumbled to himself. He then got up and went to Kai's room. "For now I'll sleep." Minato cuddled Kai's pillow and drifted off to sleep. Mochi jumped up on the bed and fell asleep as well.

Time skippy

"Min." Kai shook Minato to wake him up. "Hmm, oh Hi Kai." Minato flittered his eyes open. "Hey, will you go out with me?" Minato jumped up."what?" Kai questioned. "Like a date, I wanna go on a date with you!" He smiled brightly. "Sure, I'd like that." Kai mumbled, and grew flustered. "Yay! I was think we could go to a theme park, or just the beach, I wanna make a sand castle. What do you think?" Minato looked up at Kai. "Maybe, we could just get ice cream and go to the beach.

"Okay!" Minato got up and went into Kai's closet. "I get to pick what you wear." He said. "Fine, but don't make it embarrassing." Kai sighed. "Okay!" Minato pulled out a short pastel rainbow dress, Minato looked at it for a while picturing Kai in it. "Too short." He put the dress back. "Hey I like this one!" He threw a plain light pink dress at Kai. "Fine I'll wear it." Kai got up and started to undress, he slipped on the gown. "Aw you look pretty Kai, as always!"

"Thank you." Kai covered his pink face with his arm. "I'll wear, this shirt." Minato pulled out a blue turtle neck with short sleeves, kai bought it for him a month ago. "And these white shorts." Minato smiled softly. "That would look nice on you." Kai walked over to him. "Minato leaned in to kiss Kai, but Kai was oblivious and stepped back a bit. "Sorry." Minato scratched his head. "It's fine, just let me know." Kai shook his head.

"Get out, lemme change." Minato shooed Kai away. "Okay okay!" Kai left the room closing the door behind him. Minato quickly hanged and looked in the mirror. "Kai!" He opened the door and saw Kai standing next to the door. "You look very handsome Min." Kai complimented. "Thank you." Minato's heart felt all warm after he said that. "When are we leaving?" KI asked rocking on his heels. "In 30 minutes, I need to fix my hair." Minato looked at his hair in the mirror.

"Okay." Kai sat down on the bed and watched Minato fix up his hair, making it non frizzy. Kai smiled softly. "Okay! How do I look?" Minato turned around. "You look the same." Kai giggled. "Well duh, but does my hair look nice?" Minato grumbled crossing his arms. "Yes, your hair looks nice Min." Kai sighs. "Okay good! Let's go!" Minato gently grabbed Kai's hand and they left the room. "Where are you two going?" Kokichi asked looking up at them from the kitchen.

"I'm taking Kai out on a date, if you don't mind miss." Minato explained. "That's fine, have fun!" Kokichi waved. "Okay bye!" "Bye mom." Kai and Minato both left the house. "Aw, I wish me and Shumai went out on dates like that." Kokichi had a sad smile on her face, but she was happy her son was having fun. "I miss young love." Kokichi wandered over to her bedroom to take a nap.

Time skippy

Minato held Kai's hand softly as the two walked to the beach. "It feels so nice outside today, don't you think Kai?" Minato bent down a bit. "Yeah." Kai's eyes wandered on the pink and purple sky, he found it so beautiful. "Hey let's go and sit over there." Minato pointed to a spot on the beach not that close to the sea. "Okay." Kai followed Minato. He sat layer out a towel and sat down on it, Minato did as well. "The sea looks pretty!" Minato smiled brightly. "Mhm." Kai hummed. "Hey, there a ice cream shop over there, do you want some ice cream?" Minato asked kindly.

"Sure, can you get me cookie dough ice cream please?" Kai looked up at Minato as he stood up. "Sure, I don't have money." Minato said. "Oh right." Kai grabbed his wallet from his pocket and handed it to him. "Thank you!" Then Minato wandered away to the small ice cream shop. Kai waited patiently for him to get back, in the meantime he watched the sea and its waves make a soothing noises.

He watched a some children played in the ocean, some running at each other with sand in their hands. Some people were drowning, but Kai didn't care. It wasn't his problem. Kai looked at the couple beside him making out, he grew uncomfortable and looked away. He looked the seagulls eating and stealing other peoples food. Kai looked over at the child, who were making sand castles. Maybe he wanted a kid, maybe he wanted a family of his own with someone he loved, his beloved. But he wasn't sure who that beloved really was.

Minato walked back over with two cones in his hands. "Kai! I got the ice cream." Minato yelled. Kai turned around and looked at him, Minato had bird poop on him. "Min, you have something in your hair." Kai pointed. "Hmm? Oh yeah! The seagull were attacking me annoying little things, they wanted our ice cream to I had to strangle it." Minato laughed. "You shouldn't have killed it Min." Kai shook his head. "I didn't kill it, I just made it unable to move." Minato sighed.

"Anyways here." He handed Kai his ice cream. "Thank you Min." Kai smiled softly and took a lick. "Your welcome Kai, anything for you." Minato said softly. Kai blushed. "Anyways-." Before Minato could say anything he was hit in the head with a beach ball. "Oh! Are you okay Min?" Kai got up. Minato had his ice cream all over his face. "GOD DAMMIT." Minato growled. "Hey don't yell it's fine." Kai said. "No it's not! I was so excited to eat the ice cream!" He grumbled.

"I can buy you another one, pease don't do anything stupid." "Okay okay, sorry." Minato crossed his arms and licked the ice cream off of his cheek. "I'm sorry!" A girl apologized and took her beach ball back, then left quickly. "I'll be right back okay? Don't do anything that can end you up in jail." Kai sighed. "Okay." Minato smiled. Kai left quickly and came back with another ice cream cone, and some napkins.

"Here." Kai handed him the ice cream and clean his face. "Thank you Kai! You're so sweet I love you!" Minato smiled. Kai blushed again and kept cleaning his face. After he was done, Kai sat back down and looked at the ocean again. "Hey Kai." Minato whispered. "Yea-." As Kai turned around, his lips gently pressed against Minato's. He blushed, but slowly kissed back. After pulling back he cover his face in embarrassment.

Minato giggled. "Let's get back home now." He said and stood up. "O-Okay.." Kai whispered and followed Minato.

Maybe he does know who his beloved is

Ooooo love

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