Chapter 15

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wellh8der  thanks for the cute drawing of Kai 😭 I can't stop looking at it.

Kai's POV

I look at the drawing I made for mama, it's not that good but at least I tried. I can't wait till I get older, so I can do more things. Like write, or go to school, I want friends too. I don't know. But the important thing is, is that mama likes my drawing, she better >:( or she gonna have to catch these small hands. I'm waiting for mama to wake up. I'm with weird dada, I'm playing with his hand.

His hands are kinda crusty, he has skinny long fingers, like some creepy psychopath. I'm bored, so I let go of his hand and jumps off the couch. "Kai-." Dada was cut off by me crawling away into my room, I want to get my Mickey toy, I thought gave it to mama, I guess she gave it back. I like my Mickey toy.

I pick it and crawl back back over to dada, he picks be up and I sit next to him. I don't want to be in his lap, it's weird and makes me feel like a dog. I look at the clock to see that it's 7am. Dada was reading, I guess I forgot to mention that. Finally, I look over to mama and dada's room door, mama walked out rubbing he left eye. She looked tired. "Mama!" I say jumping off the couch again.

I crawl over to her, and grab her leg. Now I really feel like a dog, after my owner left me at home for 5 hours. Don't ask how I know that. Mama picked me up and walked to the couch, sitting next to dada. "Good morning." Dada smiled at mama, she smiled back. But it was a sad smile. "Mama.." I say, she turns to, I pointed to the table where my drawing was. "Oh right, Kai made something for you." Dada said reaching over getting the piece of paper.

He hands it to her, she takes it and looks at it for a moment. I stare at her face. She went from confused, to touched and loved. She was happy. That made me happy. I smile slightly. Dada rapped his arm around her shoulder. I get up a little bit, point that scribbles. "Mama." I point at a purple scribble, the I move to the right. "Dada." I point at the blue scribble.

I look at mama, she looked sad. Did I do something wrong? She was about to cry. "T...thank you Kai." Mama smiled at me, with tears in her eyes. I just stare at her not knowing what to say, until I remember why mama was sad in the first place. Mean ugly lady said she wasn't pretty. She's so mean! When I get older I want to get her in trouble.

I look at mama again then grab her sleeve. "Mama is vwey prettie, and botiful." (Mama is very pretty and beautiful.) I think I've might've said to much. I made mama cry even more. I hope those are happy tears. "Mama! Dwont cwrie!" (Mama! Don't cry!) I was worried for her. Mama gave me to dada and cried softly into her arm. Still holding onto my drawing.

"Kokichi- hey it's okay." Dada says patting her back. "I-its just one has e-ever done anything this nice t-to me!" She cried even more, poor mama. Dada put me down to comfort her. I watched them hug. I wanna hug mama, why am I so small? "My p-parents never liked me as a k-kid, so I was lonely for most of my l-life... no e-everyone liked me... no one has treated me so kindly! (except for Rantaro.)" She sobbed into dada's shoulder.

I sat there and started in shock, did I hurt mama? I thinks she's just very emotional right now. But at least I made her happy right? Yeah! I made mama happy! I look back at mama and dada feeling proud, until I saw them kissing. I don't find kissing gross, just weird. I mean your literally just making your lips touch and do weird things with your lips. I wonder what it's like...

Oh well I'll wait until the future, if there is one. (Lol that doesn't mean anything I just threw it in there.)

Hi 😩💀😗😎🌝🙄 Kai's photo

Hi 😩💀😗😎🌝🙄 Kai's photo

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