Chapter 9

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Ok but I have so many story ideas help.

Kokichi's POV

Shuichi, Kai and I were at Walmart, Shuichi had to open the box for the stroller. Now Kai can stare at me 24/7. Yay. Seriously, I feel like the kids staring into my soul. Shuichi was looking at the men's clothes while I was looking for the section I needed to find. I don't go to stores that often.

I finally find what I need and went to find Shuichi. I look over at the men's clothes to find Shuichi looking at a black turtleneck (bro I really want one ngl) I walk over to him, "hi." I said he flinched a little. "Oh, hey did you get what you needed?" He ask giving me a smile, I nod. "Ok come on." He said, so I followed him.

We went to the self checkout. Shuichi bought the turtleneck he wanted and my pads. I thought Kai was asleep, but he throw a toy at me cause I wasn't paying attention to him. We get back to the car, Shuichi puts the stuff in the back of the car, while I put Kai in his car seat.

He was kinda grumpy, cause he wouldn't stop hitting me with his stupid toys. So I took them from him. He looked at the looked away. I sigh and walk to the other side of the car.

Time skippy 🥶

We get back to Shuichi's (or our) apartment, Kai was crying but he was still silent, he sat there and whined but it wasn't to loud. "It's okay!" I said picking him up. He hit my arm trying to tell me to let go, I hand him to Shuichi. "Here." I said putting the baby in his arms. "Oh." He said Kai looked him in the eyes for a moment the gently slapped Shuichi's cheek (the face cheek turds-hey thats your new names turds.) he sighs and walks to Kai's room.

He put him into his bed, but Kai struggled he didn't want to go in the bed. "Nw!" He yelled kicking around. "Hey come take him I don't know what to do." Shy said handing me the baby. Kai looked at me the at the floor, I don't know what's going on in his mind.

Kai's POV what am I doing-


I want toys.

I wish mama could understand me.


Mama took away my toys.

I'm very mad.

I want my Mickey Mouse back, and my bunny.

Very mad at mama.

"Twows." I try to say "what?" Mama said "ywo twuk twows." I try to put my words together. I wish I had teeth. That would be very helpful, but I'm a new born baby. I have no teeth, which isn't helpful. I point at the toy bin and say again "twows." "Oh!" She realized "here I need to get something." She said handing me to dada. I look at him, he's a weird man.

I see mama come back with my toys. I'm very happy now. I smile and grab them from her hands. "Twows!" I giggle, I then hit dada with my Mickey Mouse toy.

I realized that I named Kai after Shuichi's dead dog. I also realized in chapter 4 I said that Shuichi had a house, my bad lmao.

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