Chapter 42 Why Ouma stopped lying (and her past)

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Answering a question no one asked 😌💖
Remember in chapter 36 Nagito said, and I quote "No that's somebody, lies never bring hope, I told your mom that once no wonder she was so lonely in high school."
So I'm gonna write about in a form of a flash back 😩 kinda Ouma's gonna start looking in her old school year book with Kai then flashbacks 😎 also flash backs are all 3rd person POV.

Kokichi's POV

I was cleaning out my closet when I stumble upon a dusty red book, "Ew why do I still have this? Wait! I can show Kai!" I was bored of cleaning so this would be more entertaining! I get up and run out of my bedroom closet, Shumai wasn't here he was at work, Kai was with Minato. I waddle over to his room and knock on the door. Kai opens the door, "Hi mom." He greeted. "Kai, I found something in my closet and I wanna look through it with you!" I smile and boop him on the nose.

"Sure what is it?" Kai walked a bit closer looking at the book in my hands. "Its my school year book from high school." I explained, then grab his hand and lead him to the living room. "It's been years since I looked through this." I mumbled. Kai sat down next to me on couch, he looks over. "It looks old." Kai said, "Yeah! I'm 39 years old, so this is really old.." I giggled. "Your old." Kai rolled his eyes. "I'm not that old!" I hit his head.

"Ow-." He whined. "Anyways, look! That's me in my first year!" I smile looking at the group photo with the people Korekiyo, Kiibo, Nagito, Hajime, Rantaro, and Miu. "It's Uncle Toe." Kai pointed, "Yeah, he was in his second year we were friends ever since elementary school." I smile. "I thought you guys were related..." Kai frowned, "No." I giggle and pat him on the head. "And is that your ex?" Kai pointed to the tall teen with green hair.

"Yeah, I remember that." I smile looking at him. "Hey you look really different.." Kai put his thumb on his chin. "I wasn't very happy with my gender at the time, I was trans." I explain, "Why haven't you ever told me?" Kai asked. "I forgot." Kokichi shrugged. Kai sighed. I went to the next page, another group photo, Shuichi, Keade, Kaito, Maki, and Tsumugi. "Ew dad looks like a 12 year old still going through his emo phase, wait that's him now never mind." Kai laughed. "Hey that wasn't nice!" I pout, "But it is true, I always called him emo boy." I giggled.

"Oh my god- Is that Toshi's dad?" Kai cried. "He was an idiot." I laughed. "Still is." Kai mumbled. We kept going through some photos, "Mom, how come your rarely in some of these?" Kai asked. "Oh, well uh.." I scratched my head. "Well?" Kai waited. "I wasnt really liked, none of my classmates liked me cause I was annoying and rude, I would always play pranks on them and get on their nerves." I explained. "But I only did it because I was bored!" I yell. "The only people that actually hanged out with me was Rantaro, and your uncle." I sigh.

Flash back noises

"Hey guys!" Kokichi waved his arm as he yelled at his classmates. "Oh it's you cockitchy, what do you want?" Miu scoffed. "Just wondering what you guys were doing, you cum dumpster." Kokichi did his iconic 'Nishishi'. "We were just getting ready to take a picture for the school year book." Kiibo spoke up. Kokichi gasped. "And you weren't gonna ask if the Ultimate Supreme Leader to join!? That's so rude!" Kokichi cried. "Nyeh will someone shut him up..." Himiko sighed, "I'll do it Himiko!" Tenko ran over to Kokichi. "W-Wait-." He was then knocked out by Tenkos harsh kick to the face. "Yes put him in his place!" Miu laughed. "Tenko! Why would you do that!?" Rantaro ran over to Kokichis unconscious body on the floor. "That degenerate deserved it! He was annoying Himiko." Tenko crossed her arms. "Just leave him, we'll just take the pictures without him." Kaito said. "Maybe we should at least take him to the nurses office?" Shuichi suggested. "I'll take him." Rantaro picked Kokichi and walked away. "What his deal?" Miu asked, "Kokichi and him are friends of course he's going to care." Kiyo sighed. "Well then let's just get to the pictures." Keade awkwardly laughed.

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