Chapter 46

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Kai's POV  This is a short chapter

I was getting concerned on Min, its been longer that 15 minute's. I got up and started searching. I checked the bathroom, but Min wasn't there. Maybe he got lost.. I leave the bathroom and keep looking. This park isn't that big, so he shouldn't have gone far. I look around, no one was really here. I'm starting to get worried. I wander around looking for him, but no luck. "MIN." I yell, no response. I could feel my stomach drop, where is he? Did he leave?

I continue to rom around the park looking for him, looking at any place he could be at. But no luck. I quickly got my phone and called my mom. "Hey honey." She responded. "Hi, uh did Minato come home?" I asked quickly. "Hmm no why he's not with you? Did something happen?" "He just disappeared, he said he went to go to the bathroom but h-he never came back I don't know what to do-!" I cried saying everything so fast. "Kai please calm down, did you check the bathroom?" "Yes! Of course I did that's the first place I checked!" I yelled.

"Okay okay I'm sorry, you're just worked up." She said kindly. I started crying over the phone. "Oh honey are you crying? It'll be okay I'm sure he'll come back." "I-I know.." I wiped my tears. "Just keep looking okay!" My mom said confidently. "Thank you." I sniffed, then hung up. I walked around a little longer, still no sight of him. How could I lose a 6'4 y'all man that is very loud? I suck. I continue to walk feeling anxious.

Until I came across a dark alley. I heard grunting, in curiosity I peek my head a bit to see.

But I froze.

I saw something so horrifying

Something I never wanted to see

Minato was on the ground, someone had a gun to his head. He looked beaten up, he seem tired. He squirmed around under the man. He grunted in pain. "MINATO!" I yelled finally being able to move and in to the situation. The man glared at me.

Then he pulled the trigger.

I closed my eyes.

All I heard was the gun shot

Then silence


I open my eyes slowly, the man was gone, all that laid there was Minato body, drenched in blood. "MIN!" I cry and run to him. "Minato! Please wake up!" I cried, tears blocking my vision. "MINATO PLEASE WAKE UP!" "WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!" I screamed in fear. "PLEASE I DON'T WANT TO BE ALONE, MINATO!" I started shaking him, but he didn't get up. "M-Minato..?.." My voice cracked. "I- I... can't l-loose you..." I whispered, balling my eyes out.

I sobbed as loud as I could screaming in pain, not physical but emotional. I held Minato close to me not wanting him to go, please, please don't go.

I love you

I loved you

I loved you so much Min

You were my everything






i actually started crying while making this chapter.

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