Chapter 39

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Hey :> before the chapter starts I just wanna share some art I did that I'm actually really proud for once 🥲 it's all just Kai in outfits lol

Hey :> before the chapter starts I just wanna share some art I did that I'm actually really proud for once 🥲 it's all just Kai in outfits lol

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Okay that's all

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Okay that's all.

Kai's POV  tw? Anxiety


I'm uncomfortable

It's dark

Where the hell am I?

I'm not sure but I don't like it.

I look around, I'm outside. Why am I outside!? I don't wanna be outside what the hell? But I feel very compact, wait. A-Am I in a TREE!? I start panicking. The fear flowed through my body, "ow." I groan, some tree bark scratched my skin. "W-why am I in a t-tree?" My voice is shaky, I'm about to start crying. And it's not some ordinary tree, it's the tall oak tree in the middle of nowhere. Well not literally, some houses are close by but not that close.

"No no no no no no no no." I mutter, I need to find a way to get down, but I'll fall! There's a bunch of random rocks everywhere. I curl into a ball and start having my mental breakdown. The words ran through my head. I'm gonna fall.

I'm gonna fall I'm gonna fall I'm gonna fall I'm gonna fall I'm gonna fall I'm gonna fall I'm gonna fall I'm gonna fall I'm gonna fall I'm gonna fall I'm gonna fall I'm gonna fall I'm gonna fall I'm gonna fall I'm gonna fall I'm gonna fall I'm gonna fall I'm gonna fall I'm gonna fall I'm gonna fall I'm gonna fall I'm gonna fall I'm gonna fall I'm gonna fall I'm gonna fall I'm gonna fall I'm gonna fall I'm gonna fall I'm gonna fall I'm gonna fall I'm gonna fall I'm gonna fall I'm gonna fall I'm gonna fall I'm gonna fall I'm gonna fall I'm gonna fall I'm gonna fall I'm gonna fall I'm gonna fall I'm gonna fall I'm gonna fall I'm gonna fall I'm gonna fall I'm gonna fall I'm gonna fall..

I started shaking in fear. Sweating even though it's cold. Crying my eyes out. I would scream for help but the words won't leave my mouth. Phone! I have a phone! I feel my pockets. Dammit I left it at home. Fuck you Nagito, you let me down. Maybe I'll just wait, someone will find me eventually... Right? Yeah! Of course my parents are probably worried. And Minato too. Damn, I'm so cold. Why did I not bring a jacket? Right before it was warm. I frowned, and started to cry again.

I just wanna go home.

No ones POV

Minato had finished questioning Yuki's friends, well there's on left. The boy with pink hair that left early. Minato got Yuki to tell him his address, so he's on his way there. Don't worry he's prepared if something happens, he had his pocket knife, lighter and matches. He always has that stuff on him. Cause he likes chaos. "Okay, I think I'm here." Minato knocked on the blue door. "Wait why is it blue?" Minato thought out loud. "I didn't know doors could be blue." He seemed fascinated.

Then the door opened, revealing the same boy. "Hello!" Minato greeted. "Sup, do you need somethin dude?" The boy asked, he was wearing a beanie, and a large T-shirt, baggy jeans. (Okay shut up this guys based off of my uncle, this is how he talks to people 💀) "Yes! I do! Detective Saihara told me to question people that were at Yuki's house, cause Kai went missing." Minato smiled. The boy nodded and let Minato in. The how looked quite casual, a plain brown couch and other wooden furniture.

"May I sit?" Minato asked kindly. "Sure, do whatever man." He shrugged. "I didn't get your name." Minato asked with a curious look. "Ren Koko." He replied. "Okay Koko-Sama, did you see Kai when you left Yuki's home?" Minato asked, with a deep voice no longer his friendly one. Ren flinched but answered. "I did see the little dude, he was sleeping on the couch." Minato nodded. "When you left the house, he wasn't there, can you explain that?" Minato's face darkened, "Uh, I'm not sure what you mean man, I didn't do anything to the guy. I just remembered I had to clean my room, looks like a garbage bump." He answered quickly.

"Okay." Minato got up and and snatched his pocket knife out of his pocket and placed it on Ren's neck. "Wow! Dude! Calm down!" He yelled. "Tell the truth, now." Minato growled. "Okay okay! I took the little guy okay! B-But it was Yuki's little girly who told me to do it!" Ren panicked. "Oh, okay where'd you put him?" Minato asked with a smile. "T-The oak tree, she told me to put him there." Ren sighed. "What was her name again I forget." Minato asked. "Lina." Ren answered. "Oh right." Minato let go of him.

"Thank you for this information it was very useful!" Minato thanked. "N-No problem man! I'm so sorry about this situation, uh friends?" Ren awkwardly put his hand out. "Sure!" Minato shook the others hand. The put the pocket knife back in his pocket. "Well goodbye!" Minato then left. "Whoa, it's dark outside. I should go and get Kai quickly." Minato whispered to himself. He skipped all the way to the tree. "Kai?" He yelled softly. "M-Min?" Kai whimpered. He saw the frail boy hugging on a branch, his legs dangling.

"Kai!" Minato smiled yelled, it's scared Kai and made him jump. "Fuck-." Minato said, and ran over to the tree. "Kai, jump I'll catch you." Minato whispered in a reassuring voice. Kai sniffed and did what Minato told him. Kai carefully stood a little, but slipped on a leaf. "Ka-." The small boy screamed in fear and fell in a pile of leaves. "Kai!" Minato panicked and ran over to the pile of leaves Kai fell in. He searched through the pile and found the him. But, he was unconscious. Minato panicked. "KAI!" He yelled.

The Kai didn't respond, Minato saw blood drip from his head. "No! His head bashed on a rock!" Minato frowned. He picked up the boy and held him close. Then ran all the back to Kai's home. He didn't know where the hospital was located cause he has a bad memory. "Kai!" Kokichi answered the door. "What happened?" She cried. "He feel out off a tree.." Minato looked down. "SHUMAI!" Kokichi fan back into the house to tell Shuichi. Shuichi hurried and called the ambulance for Kai. Minato looked at Kai, he was so pale like a ghost.

Oh Kai, please get better.

This chapter sucked.

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