Chapter 17

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Kai's POV

I woke up early, mama told me I had to go to sleep early as well. She said today was my first day of school. I always wondered what it would be like. It was still dark outside, I look up at the clock dada put in my room. It was shaped as a heart. It's was 6:53 am. I get up and run to the door. First, I went to the bathroom, then ran into mama and dada's room.

I open the door slightly, peeking into the crack of the door. They're still sleeping, should I wake them? Nah. I run over to my room again, so I could find something to wear. I pick out, a grey sweater, black pants, white socks and a black barre. I like looking cute. I start putting on my clothes.

After, mama opened my door to wake me up. "Kai wake u- oh your already up." She smiled at me. "Hi mama." I smile back at her then run over to hug her. "Come on let's get you something to eat." She told me grabbing my hand and walking me to the kitchen. "What do you wanna eat?" She bended down a bit to talk to me.

"Waffles, please." I responded running to the dining room table, and taking a seat. I saw dada walk out of his bedroom. "Morning." He said walking to the kitchen where mama was. Shortly after mama comes over and places my waffles in front of me. They had whipped cream, my favorite. "Mama, can I have rainbow sprinkles?" I asked. "Ok, only this once." She said with a smile then went back to the kitchen.

I like sprinkles on my waffles or pancakes. It makes it more fun to eat. I also like colors, Mama came back with the small jar of sprinkles. She sprinkled a little bit on the waffles. "Thank you.." I say reaching my hand out to get the waffle. Yummy. Dada sits across from me with a cup of coffee in his hands. I continue to eat my waffles.

"So Kai, are you ready for your first day of school?" Dada asked me. "Yeah." I say with my mouthful. I got whipped cream and sprinkles on my face, so I cleaned it with my sleeve. "Okay, that's good." He says taking a sip from his coffee. I wonder what coffee tastes like...Probably bad, cause it doesn't smell very good.

Yeah finished eating, so I hopped out of my chair. I run over to mama who was sitting on the couch watching TV. "Mama, what do I do now?" I asked her. She looked over at the clock, which said 7:28 am. "Who about you brush your teeth, then after get your things ready for school." She explained patting me on the head. I nod and run into the bathroom.

I get the step stool and stand up on it so I could reach the sink. I reach out to grab my toothbrush, with a little struggle I managed to get it. I then grab my bubblegum toothpaste, it tastes good. But I don't eat it, mama says it's not good for you. I still ate it though. Anyways, I put a good amount of the pink substance on my toothbrush.

I turn the handle on the sink to wet my brush. Then I begin to brush my small teeth. My toothbrush was a hello kitty toothbrush, it had lights on it to tell me when I could stop. (I had a toothbrush like that, so I thought would be appropriate for Kai to have one as well.) after 2 minutes, I spit out the toothbrush paste then washed my mouth with water. Then I washed my toothbrush. I hopped off my step stool then ran into my room.

There was my rainbow backpack, I start to get the notebooks dada bought me. I put them inside the bag, then I put my pencil case with scissors, glue sticks, pencils inside as well as my erasers. I think I'm good now. I put the back pack on my back and ran out my room, hearing the item in my back make a loud noise.

"Mama, I'm ready." I said with a soft smile. "Okay, go put your shoes the dada will bring you to school in a little bit." She responded, I do what she said and put on my black converse. I run over to dada who was putting on his coat. I look over at the clock 7:46am wow time flies by fast. "Dada, I'm ready." I said pulling on his hand. "Okay." He smiled, I grab his hand and he starts to walk towards the door.

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