Chapter 43

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Did you know Minato's literally just a recycled version of Yuki as a teenager? He's just more stupid

No ones POV

Kai got into the car with Minato, Kai put his seatbelt on and started the car. Minato didn't put his belt on though. "Put your seatbelt on, you can't trust my driving skill that much." Kai said. "It's fine, if I die in your hands, well that would be just fine." Minato smiled. Kai groaned, and blushed. "Let's go!" Minato yelled happily. Kai did as he said and started driving. "What store are we going to?" Minato asked. "Walmart." Kai answered keeping his eyes on the road. "Okay." Minato looked out his window.

"Hey." Minato turned his head to Kai. "Yeah?" He responded. "I see a bird." Minato pointed. "That's cool." Kai muttered. "It's blue." Minato said. "Yes, birds can be blue Min." Kai mumbled. "Oh okay." Minato nodded, he wasn't sure about different colored things in the world. "Kai." "What?" "Have you ever seen a red bird?" He asked with a curious expression. "Yes, I have seen a red bird before." "What about a green bird?" "Yes, green birds exist Min." Kai answered.

"Wow you know so much, what's your secret?" Minato asked. "The internet Min, the internet." Kai nodded. "Oh." Kai sighed and kept driving. "Loook." Minato's eyes sparkled. "What?" Kai wasn't looking. "It's a squirrel." Minato laughed. "Hey! You're not looking!" Minato cried. "I can't look! I need to drive the car!" Kai yelled. "JUST LOOK AT THE SQUIRREL FOR ONE SECOND." Minato pointed. "ITS A SQUIRREL I SEE THE BITCHES ALL THE DAMN TIME." Kai yelled back.

Then they heard a scream, then a bang on the car. "Shit..." Kai whispered. Minato hit his head on the car because he didn't have a seatbelt on. "I think you hit someone." Minato picked his head up. "No shit." Kai unbuckled his seatbelt and immediately got out of the car. "Holy shit..." Kai looked at the body on the ground, it's seemed familiar in a way. "I think she's dead." Minato also got out. Kai then saw a man running over to the body.

"You just hit my wife!" He yelled. Kai covered his mouth, he went blue. He watched as the man pulled out his phone and dialed a number. "Oh my god I'm going to jail..." Kai whispered to him self on repeat. Then he heard police sirens. "FUCK GET IN THE CAR." He yelled and started driving away with Minato in the car. "Where are we going?" Minato asked calmly. "I don't know." He said quickly. "Oh, well let's get a pet bird, a blue one!" "We're not getting a bird, I have to get out of this town before the police find me." Kai glared.

"Right okay." Minato stayed silent after that. Kai kept look at the mirror, luckily he saw no police cars in sight. "I'm going to park in the woods." He said to Minato. "Let's park there, there's a bunch of bushes." Minato pointed Kai nodded and drove over to it. Kai took a big sigh. "It's okay Kai, let's burn this car and get a new one." "I can't my parents would find out." "Just tell then you wanted to get a new one." "I just got this car 5 months ago." Kai rolled his eyes.

"Fine, I was just trying to be helpful." Minato huffed. "Oh hush." Kai said and got out of the car. "Pick me up." Kai said to Minato. "Okay." Minato picked up Kai, he directed Minato to where he needed wanted go. "But is t this Yuki's apartment?" Minato asked. "Yeah, he'll understand." Kai said and knocked on the door. "Anyways he needs company." Kai coed. They waited, until the door slowly opened to see Yuki looking like shit. His eyes were red and he had a few blood stains on his shirt. Tissues were shoved into his nose, and his hair was messy. He had dark eye bags under his eyes. Kai felt terrible.

"What do you want?" He said, he sounded tired. "Just to come and check up on you, also we need to stay for a little bit." Kai explained. "Just come in." Yuki opened the door for the two to enter. "Thank you." Minato smiled at Yuki. His apartment room was dark, it wasn't so messy but there was a lot of bloody tissues on the ground. "So what did you too do now?" He said already knowing they did something stupid. "Well uh-." "We ran someone over!" Minato cheered. "I- WHAT THE HELL." Yuki looked at them in pure shock and terror.

"No, don't put me into your shit, go somewhere else now." He said sternly. "Well only stay for 30 minutes.." Kai fiddled with his fingers. Yuki sighed and just sat down his small couch. "Are you okay?" Kai asked. "No." Yuki covered his eyes with his hands. "I- I know it's tough but you need to move on-." "No I can't! It's fucking unfair, why is it's the people I love that have to commit suicide!" Yuki cried in anger. "Yuki..." Kai mumbled feeling upset.

"I just, I just want someone to make me happy." He sighed, saying under his breath. Minato looked over at the two. "Your not alone Yuki, I'm still here at least I didn't end up dying." Kai puts his hand on Yuki's check softly. Yuki looks at Kai, the room was silent. "Hey, a squirrel." Minato spoke up and went outside. Kai was going to get up but something stopped him. "Just leave him." Yuki mumbled, he looked desperate.

Kai sat back down, feeling slightly uncomfortable with just the two alone. "Kai.. If your uncomfortable, just leave it's fine." Yuki said. "But-." "It's already been 30 minutes, just go." Yuki pointed to the door." Okay fine, just don't do anything stupid to yourself okay?" Kai looked at Yuki, he quickly gave him a peck on the cheek and went out the door where Minato is. "Min, pick me up." Kai said. Minato nodded and picked him up.

Time skippy

Kai and Minato were already home, Kokichi was talking about how Shuichi hadn't bought her any panta in 2 days. Then Shuichi walked through the bedroom door, looking dazed. "Hey, what's wrong Shumai?" Kokichi asked. "M-My mother got run over by a car today..." He said with a shaky voice. "Oh, I'm so sorry.." Kokichi walked over to him and hugged him. Kai and Minato looked at each other in realization.

No wonder the woman looked so familiar.

I decided to draw Kai but as a Dangaronpa sprite, and this i show it turned out 💀

I decided to draw Kai but as a Dangaronpa sprite, and this i show it turned out 💀

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I hate it why does he look like that 😭

I'm also changing Yuki's ultimate talent, because I think manipulation doesn't fit him, so he's the Ultimate Actress now lol.

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